fluid-dev / hexo-theme-fluid

:ocean: 一款 Material Design 风格的 Hexo 主题 / An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo
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侧边栏无法显示同标签文章 #1071

Closed CodingCow1 closed 3 months ago

CodingCow1 commented 4 months ago


Bug 描述


  # 侧边栏展示当前分类下的文章
  # Sidebar of category
    enable: true

    # 开启后,只有在文章 Front-matter 里指定 `category_bar: true` 才会展示分类,也可以通过 `category_bar: ["分类A"]` 来指定分类
    # If true, only set `category_bar: true` in Front-matter will enable sidebar of category, also set `category_bar: ["CategoryA"]` to specify categories
    specific: false

    # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
    # place in the board
    # Options: left | right
    placement: left

    # 文章的排序字段,前面带减号是倒序,不带减号是正序
    # Sort field for posts, with a minus sign is reverse order
    # Options: date | title | or other field of front-matter
    post_order_by: "-date"

    # 单个分类中折叠展示文章数的最大值,超过限制会显示 More,0 则不限制
    # The maximum number of posts in a single category. If the limit is exceeded, it will be displayed More. If 0 no limit
    post_limit: 20

  # 侧边栏展示文章目录
  # Table of contents (TOC) in the sidebar
    enable: true

    # 置于板块的左侧或右侧
    # place in the board
    # Options: left | right
    placement: right

    # 目录会选择这些节点作为标题
    # TOC will select these nodes as headings
    headingSelector: "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6"

    # 层级的折叠深度,0 是全部折叠,大于 0 后如果存在下级标题则默认展开
    # Collapse depth. If 0, all headings collapsed. If greater than 0, it will be expanded by default if there are sub headings
    collapseDepth: 3


zkqiang commented 3 months ago
