flutter-ml / google_ml_kit_flutter

A flutter plugin that implements Google's standalone ML Kit
MIT License
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[iOS] Are there any plans to add Privacy Manifests? #584

Open StatusCode200 opened 4 months ago

StatusCode200 commented 4 months ago

Apple recently announced that starting in Spring 2024, apps will be required to include more privacy-related reasoning for "third-party SDKs." This includes providing details in privacy manifests about data use by these SDKs. You can read more about this requirement on the Apple Developer website: Describing Data Use in Privacy Manifests

Many popular Flutter plugins, such as shared_preferences, have already implemented these manifests. You can see an example of such a manifest in the shared_preferences plugin here: PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy

Given these upcoming requirements, it's important to note that even libraries that do not collect privacy-policy-relevant information may need to include an empty PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to avoid potential rejection.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

ShuheiSuzuki-07 commented 3 months ago

MLKit seems to be supported by https://github.com/googlesamples/mlkit/issues/795

I am sure the flutter plugin will support it after the above release.

It would be nice to have some kind of announcement.

fbernaly commented 3 months ago

I have been very busy with my job and personal life. Contributions are welcome. Send your PRs and I will review them ASAP. So far I do not have an ETA for all the new features.

ShuheiSuzuki-07 commented 3 months ago

The latest MLKit has been released.  https://github.com/googlesamples/mlkit/issues/795#issuecomment-2064955148

I would like to work on creating a PR

fbernaly commented 3 months ago

@ShuheiSuzuki-07 : I do not have an ETA for this new feature. Feel free to send your PR with your contribution.

pongloongyeat commented 2 months ago

Seems like there was a recent release on pub which included the commits to bump MLKit deps. However, it seems like I'm still getting an outdated version of the dependencies. Am I missing something?


  sdk: '>=3.3.1 <4.0.0'

    sdk: flutter
  google_mlkit_face_detection: ^0.10.1

This also causes our app to receive the privacy manifest warning, which I believe is caused by GoogleToolboxForMac as per this comment

ShuheiSuzuki-07 commented 2 months ago

@pongloongyeat Thanks to the efforts of the author and contributors, the latest version of this plugin was released a few hours ago. If you use it, the problem with GoogleToolBoxForMac should be solved.

Reference: https://github.com/flutter-ml/google_ml_kit_flutter/pull/621 https://developers.google.com/ml-kit/release-notes?hl=ja


fbernaly commented 2 months ago

Confirm if with the latest release this issue is fixed. Then close the issue.

pongloongyeat commented 2 months ago

Can confirm that the latest release does indeed come with the updated GoogleToolboxForMac. However, I'm still getting the privacy manifest issue on an empty Flutter project with just google_mlkit_face_detection: ^0.11.0 whereas a completely empty Flutter project does not cause any problems. Could this be related to a bug with AppStore Connect?.

Looking through each of Runner's framework's privacy manifests very briefly, it seems like all dependencies except Runner itself declares a privacy manifest file. To that end, I'm not sure if the issue is on this package or with Flutter itself.

fbernaly commented 2 months ago

Since an empty project works, I would recommend to create a new project with the latest Flutter plugin and the copy the lib folder and yaml file of your old project into that new project and then compile and see if the new Xcode configuration of that new Flutter template works.