fluttercommunity / arcgis_map_sdk

Flutter implementation of the ArcGis map framework by esri
MIT License
12 stars 6 forks source link

In web, addgraphic is not working #71

Open parthshethi2e opened 7 months ago

parthshethi2e commented 7 months ago
                apiKey: "",
                initialCenter: const LatLng(51.16, 10.45),
                zoom: 1,
                mapStyle: MapStyle.twoD,
                basemap: BaseMap.satellite,
                onMapCreated: (controller) async {

                  const pinLayerId = 'pins';
                  await controller.addGraphic(
                    layerId: pinLayerId,
                    graphic: PointGraphic(
                      latitude: 51.091062,
                      longitude: 6.880812,
                      attributes: Attributes({
                        'id': 'phntm',
                        'name': 'PHNTM GmbH',
                        'family': 'Office',
                      symbol: const PictureMarkerSymbol(
                        width: 314 / 2,
                        height: 120 / 2,

                  // for(int x=0; x<FilterViewModel.filteredData.length; x++ )
                  //   {
                  //     await controller.addGraphic(
                  //       layerId: x.toString(),
                  //       graphic: PointGraphic(
                  //         latitude:  double.parse(  FilterViewModel.filteredData[x].latitude),
                  //         longitude: double.parse(  FilterViewModel.filteredData[x].longitude),
                  //         attributes: Attributes({
                  //           'family': 'Pins',
                  //         }),
                  //         symbol: const PictureMarkerSymbol(
                  //           webUri:
                  //           "https://github.com/fluttercommunity/arcgis_map/assets/1096485/c84c524c-78b7-46e5-9bf1-a3a91853b2cf",
                  //           mobileUri:
                  //           "https://github.com/fluttercommunity/arcgis_map/assets/1096485/c84c524c-78b7-46e5-9bf1-a3a91853b2cf",
                  //           width: 312 / 2,
                  //           height: 111 / 2,
                  //         ),
                  //       ),
                  //     );
                  //   }