fluttercommunity / plus_plugins

Flutter Community Plus Plugins
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[Bug]: Device Info Plus not building anymore #1000

Closed FilledStacks closed 2 years ago

FilledStacks commented 2 years ago







Flutter SDK


Steps to reproduce

Try to run the app after doing flutter pub upgrade

I get the example.

../../../../src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/device_info_plus_windows-2.1.1/lib/src/device_info_plus_windows.dart:24:35: Error: Required named parameter 'userName' must be provided.
    final data = WindowsDeviceInfo(
../../../../src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/device_info_plus_platform_interface-2.4.0/lib/model/windows_device_info.dart:12:3: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.

Code Sample

No response


../../../../src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/device_info_plus_windows-2.1.1/lib/src/device_info_plus_windows.dart:24:35: Error: Required named parameter 'userName' must be provided.
    final data = WindowsDeviceInfo(
../../../../src/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/pub.dartlang.org/device_info_plus_platform_interface-2.4.0/lib/model/windows_device_info.dart:12:3: Context: Found this candidate, but the arguments don't match.

Flutter Doctor

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GauravCalidig commented 2 years ago

Stuck on same


FilledStacks commented 2 years ago

Anyone have a workaround yet? I'm trying to do dependency overrides but nothing is making it pass.

If you find a version that works please post, I have an urgent build to get out.

GauravCalidig commented 2 years ago

If it's urgent, As a quick workaround you can comment the code giving error. if you are not building a windows app it should work fine @FilledStacks image

FilledStacks commented 2 years ago

If it's urgent, As a quick workaround you can comment the code giving error. if you are not building a windows app it should work fine @FilledStacks image

Thanks. This works locally. Not when I try and make a release to QA through our CI pipeline. I'll remove the package for now and add it back when this is fixed.

Thanks for the response.

sara010 commented 2 years ago

same problem

ryzizub commented 2 years ago

I temporary added overrides to pubspec.yaml, seems to work pretty well :)

  device_info_plus: '4.0.0'
  device_info_plus_platform_interface: '2.3.0+1'
xrandy00 commented 2 years ago

Since we specify the version of device_info_plus directly, I just added this image

ixre commented 2 years ago

Edit file device_info_plus_windows/lib/src/device_info_plus_windows.dart like this

  Future<WindowsDeviceInfo> windowsInfo() {
    return Future.value(null);

now, i have avoid it temporarily.

M123-dev commented 2 years ago

We had the same problem. After upgrading to ^4.0.2 it seems to be fixed. Tests as well as local debug building works again

miquelbeltran commented 2 years ago

Could you provide exact steps to reproduce the issue?

If I do the following, I can compile the app without issues:

All of that works.

Stachuu87 commented 2 years ago

In my case, i do not use device_info_plus itself, but it is a dependency for native_pdf_viewer which i import into my app (i use the lastest stable version of native_pdf_viewer).

Running flutter Pub upgrade did not change anything in my case. Azure pipeline still fails with the same error.

miquelbeltran commented 2 years ago

Thanks @Stachuu87 that helps.

I think the problem is that device_info_plus_platform_interface had a breaking change that was not provided inside a major version change. So apps depending on older versions of device_info_plus will break.

I will see if I can reproduce this issue and find a solution that doesn't break old clients.

miquelbeltran commented 2 years ago

I have reverted the breaking change in device_info_plus_platform_interface and republished under:

device_info_plus_platform_interface    2.5.0
device_info_plus_windows               3.0.3
device_info_plus                       4.0.3

Please let me know if you still have the same issue

Stachuu87 commented 2 years ago

I have reverted the breaking change in device_info_plus_platform_interface and republished under:

device_info_plus_platform_interface    2.5.0

device_info_plus_windows               3.0.3

device_info_plus                       4.0.3

Please let me know if you still have the same issue

It seems to work just fine for me. Thanks for such a quick response.

gOzaru commented 2 years ago

I have reverted the breaking change in device_info_plus_platform_interface and republished under:

device_info_plus_platform_interface    2.5.0
device_info_plus_windows               3.0.3
device_info_plus                       4.0.3

Please let me know if you still have the same issue

@miquelbeltran It doesn't work in my case. It always gives error (Null check operator used on a null value). This is the code:

class Device extends GetxController {
  static final DeviceInfoPlugin deviceInfoPlugin = DeviceInfoPlugin();

  Future<Map<String, dynamic>> getDevice() async {
    Map<String, dynamic>? map;
    try {
      if (Platform.isAndroid) {
        map = _readAndroidBuildData(await deviceInfoPlugin.androidInfo);
      } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
        map = _readIosDeviceInfo(await deviceInfoPlugin.iosInfo);
    } on PlatformException catch (e) {
      map = {
        "title": "Dart Package Failure",
        "message": e.toString(),
        "error": "Current dart package (device_info_plus) failed to get data.",
      Get.offAll(() => AppError(title: map!['title'], message: map['message'], error: map['error']));
    return map!;

  Map<String, dynamic> _readAndroidBuildData(AndroidDeviceInfo build) {
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'version.securityPatch': build.version.securityPatch,
      'version.sdkInt': build.version.sdkInt,
      'version.release': build.version.release,
      'version.previewSdkInt': build.version.previewSdkInt,
      'version.incremental': build.version.incremental,
      'version.codename': build.version.codename,
      'version.baseOS': build.version.baseOS,
      'board': build.board,
      'bootloader': build.bootloader,
      'brand': build.brand,
      'device': build.device,
      'display': build.display,
      'fingerprint': build.fingerprint,
      'hardware': build.hardware,
      'host': build.host,
      'id': build.id,
      'manufacturer': build.manufacturer,
      'model': build.model,
      'product': build.product,
      'supported32BitAbis': build.supported32BitAbis,
      'supported64BitAbis': build.supported64BitAbis,
      'supportedAbis': build.supportedAbis,
      'tags': build.tags,
      'type': build.type,
      'isPhysicalDevice': build.isPhysicalDevice,
      'systemFeatures': build.systemFeatures,

  Map<String, dynamic> _readIosDeviceInfo(IosDeviceInfo data) {
    return <String, dynamic>{
      'name': data.name,
      'systemName': data.systemName,
      'systemVersion': data.systemVersion,
      'model': data.model,
      'localizedModel': data.localizedModel,
      'identifierForVendor': data.identifierForVendor,
      'isPhysicalDevice': data.isPhysicalDevice,
      'utsname.sysname:': data.utsname.sysname,
      'utsname.nodename:': data.utsname.nodename,
      'utsname.release:': data.utsname.release,
      'utsname.version:': data.utsname.version,
      'utsname.machine:': data.utsname.machine,

This is the pubspec.yaml:

  device_info_plus: 4.0.3
  device_info_plus: 4.0.3
  device_info_plus_platform_interface: 2.5.0

SS - Device Info Plus 4 0 3 on 2022-08-13 181934

Is there something wrong with github? Or dart pub.dev? This happens since today. It used to be okay. I replaced it with device_info_plus: 3.2.4 to 4.0.3, but it still gives same error as above.

If you see the image, you can know that the function really get the device data on the left stack, exactly on variable device. This behavior is very strange. You can get the value of device, but it gives error (Null check operator used on a null value). I meant, I had removed "andoidId" when it got error. But, it still returned same error. I never changed any code inside this function. Why does it give that error? I never even replaced the variables.

This is the stack value:

#0 Cloud.checkDevice.<anonymous closure> (package:sim_had/library/controller/service/firebase.dart:517:15)
#1 Cloud.checkDevice.<anonymous closure> (package:sim_had/library/controller/service/firebase.dart:513:36)
#2  _rootRunUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1434:47)
#3  _CustomZone.runUnary (dart:async/zone.dart:1335:19)
<asynchronous suspension>
#4 Cloud.checkDevice (package:sim_had/library/controller/service/firebase.dart:513:7)
<asynchronous suspension>
#5 Cloud.signInWithGoogle.<anonymous closure> (package:sim_had/library/controller/service/firebase.dart:91:13)
<asynchronous suspension>
#6 Cloud.signInWithGoogle (package:sim_had/library/controller/service/firebase.dart:88:9)
<asynchronous suspension>
#7 SignIn.build.<anonymous closure> (package:sim_had/menu/signin.dart:35:17)
<asynchronous suspension>

Update: Sorry, the package is working up now. Since the error just appeared, I changed the variable and forgot that I had to copy data response from checkDevice to another late Map variable. So, sorry. I used the latest one: 4.1.0. No problem at all.

Thank you Flutter team.

miquelbeltran commented 2 years ago

Thank you Flutter team.

No worries!

Just to be clear, we are NOT part of the Flutter Team/Google/etc. and we are not sponsored by them in any way (or at least, I am not, lol). These plugins are run by independent volunteers on our free time, so we need both help and patience from the rest of the community to be able to do so.

Since this issue seems to be solved, I am closing the ticket now. Please for any new issues check the existing open tickers or open a new ticket.