fmatter / cariban_nps

Data on apparent discontinuous NPs in the Cariban family
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Ye'kwana: coreferential tüwü and ñöödö? ctoabjpic-016 #53

Closed fmatter closed 1 year ago

fmatter commented 1 year ago

1) elaboration pattern, 2) how are tüwü and ñöödö related? Note that the original transcription says tüwü küntömö yaawö, ñöödö akudi küntömö unwa, which clearly does not match the audio:


(ctoabjpic-016) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)

Tüwü küntömö yaawö ñöödö, akudi küntömö unwa.  
tüwü kün-tö(mö)-i  yaawö    ñöödö akudi  kün-tö(mö)-i  unwaa     
3.SG 3S.PAS-ir-PRP entonces DEMan picure 3S.PAS-ir-PRP por_allá.2  
pro  v.i.a         ptc      pro   n      v.i.a         deict     
‘She left, that one, the picure went that way.’
fmatter commented 1 year ago

Yes they are.