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Data on apparent discontinuous NPs in the Cariban family
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Ye'kwana: misleading comma (ctoyude-123) #67

Closed fmatter closed 1 year ago

fmatter commented 1 year ago

My ears tell me that yawö and ñöödö are very much in the same intonation contour, which disagrees with the transcription (and raises questions about what ñöödö is doing):


(ctoyude-123) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)

yööje künö'düaakö tüwü yawö, ñöödö... tinño wütta'jökkö yaawö  
yööje kün-ö'dü-aakö    tüwü yaawö    ñöödö t-inño-0             w-tö(mö)-ajö jökkö  yaawö   
así   3S.DIS-decir-PDI 3.SG entonces DEMan 3.REFL-esposo-POSS.3 INTR-ir-PTCP cuando entonces  
ad    v.i.a            pro  ptc      pro   n                    n            pp     ptc     
‘cuando se fue su esposo, ella dijo:’
SpikeGildea commented 1 year ago

I think it's still a fragment, the part before the pause. We don't have examples of discontinuities cross over yawö, do we?

fmatter commented 1 year ago

We have these (see asterisks):

(ctoabjpic-016) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)

*tüwü* kün-tö(mö)-i  yaawö    *ñöödö* akudi  kün-tö(mö)-i  unwaa     
3.SG   3S.PAS-ir-PRP entonces DEMan   picure 3S.PAS-ir-PRP por_allá.2  
pro    v.i.a         ptc      pro     n      v.i.a         deict     
‘Ella se fue, aquella, la picure se fue por allá.’

(convchur-032) Ye’kwana (Cáceres Arandia 2021)

mödö   *iyö* *yaawö*  *a'deu* mödö   mö'dö  n-ajenka-a     de'a    ö'washa'kö ka     a-a'deu-dü=komo     na-i        ke   
DEM2in DEMin entonces palabra DEM2in DEM1an 3-revisar-NPST CONFIRM cuantos    QP     2-palabra-POSS.1=PL 3.COP-INTER QUOT   
pro    pro   ptc      n       pro    pro    v              ptc     interr     interr n                   ptc         v.i.a
‘esas son las palabras, eso es lo que está buscando ella, cuantas son las palabras de ustedes’
SpikeGildea commented 1 year ago

For the first example (016) I have no trouble making the unit be [ñöödö akudi] I don't have a similarly good story for the second example. Consistency with my suggested analysis of the example we started with (123) would suggest that we expect a'deu post-yaawö to be part of what follows, whether as a fragment or as a part of the next phrase.

[mödö iyö yaawö] 'esas son estas' [a'deu mödö] 'esas palabras' [mö'dö n-ajenka-a de'a] '(son) lo que está buscando ella'

The problem is that this is not consistent with the translation...

fmatter commented 1 year ago

I based my analysis of (016) on the audio (see #53).

I am sorry about the missing orthographic line in convchur-032, dunno what happened there. It's mödö iyö yawö a'deu, mödö mö'dö najenkadenña ö'wasa'kö ka aya'deddukomo nai ke, which is consistent with the translation (I can't find the audio, even in ELAN...)

SpikeGildea commented 1 year ago

I was unable to access the audio in #53. If you are saying that there is clearly no intonation reset between yaawö and ñöödï, then we might be building up a set of examples of yaawö between discontinuous referents with no prosodic separation. I think that would be an important possibility to raise in the talk, as the only sort-of candidates for discontinuous NPs in Ye'kwana, no?

As for (032), given that the pause seems to be where the translation would want it to be, it looks like another good example of yaawö between discontinuous referents