fmbiete / Z-Push-contrib

Z-Push fork with changes that I will try to contrib
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Radicale support again #268

Open vijaysar opened 8 years ago

vijaysar commented 8 years ago

I noticed in earlier conversation with few that Radicale calendar is not supported or working. I have tested this several time. Definitely request being made by carddav and caldav is confusing for Radicale. Radicale is so solid on all other CArddav client and caldav clients - so it may be worth supporting.

I will be happy to give you a test account if you want to check this out! I have a fully functional radicale setup with vcf files and calendar that works well except with the z-push setup! It will be great if you can help resolve this.

Thanks Vijay

Takika commented 8 years ago

As I remember the current stable Radicale doesn't support some type of filtering. This is the main problem with Radicale. I modifiled some DAV client code I will search for it if I don't forgot it :)

vijaysar commented 8 years ago

Hello Takika! Is there a version that works with Z-push-contrib that your crew has put? I will be happy to downgrade.

I have looked many times at the logs, between Radicale's CalDAV/CardDAV andz-push client libraries - here is what I see.

  1. Collections seems to work okay but afterwards there is some mis-communications.
  2. Not even the debug logs fully reflect what is happening - we just get empty responses back to mobile client.
  3. The mobile clients are just confused and dont do anything

It seems to me like the bugs are not very big ones to fix.


vijaysar commented 8 years ago

Hello There, Still troubleshooting on this. Do you know what is expected in the discoverAddressbooks() method? It seems to set URL of the addressbook and set the addressbook array first element to be the URL? Later this addressbook array first element is replaced (?) from the StatFolder method with a "hash" or an associative array. A bit confusing on the sequence.

I have tested radicale itself with z_carddav.php library in the include folder. As far as I can see - Everything works right - getting vcard_xml, getting xml list of all vcards, getting id and etag are all working. I can pull up vcard xmls either with .vcf tag or without it $carddav = new carddav_backend($url); $carddav->set_auth($user,$pass); echo $carddav->get_xml_vcard('82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65.vcf'); echo $carddav->get_xml_vcard('82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65');

both of these provide sensible results from a radicale server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65 f3c9c480bea50e9cbd78de68f7cc6d07 BEGIN:VCARD N:Morris;Ravi;;; REV:2016-04-21T22:09:02Z PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.11.4//EN VERSION:3.0 EMAIL;TYPE=home,internet, FN:Ravi Morris UID:82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65 X-RADICALE-NAME:82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65.vcf END:VCARD

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65 f3c9c480bea50e9cbd78de68f7cc6d07 BEGIN:VCARD N:Morris;Ravi;;; REV:2016-04-21T22:09:02Z PRODID:-//Apple Inc.//Mac OS X 10.11.4//EN VERSION:3.0 EMAIL;TYPE=home,internet, FN:Ravi Morris UID:82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65 X-RADICALE-NAME:82e83402-c19b-4bfa-a317-bb0852fb2f65.vcf END:VCARD
TCB13 commented 1 year ago

Any news on this? What about the proposed changes here:

Thank you.