fmidev / weather-app

FMI's official weather application for mobile devices
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Selite-osion Jamaika-muutokset #443

Closed AnttiRumpunen closed 1 year ago

AnttiRumpunen commented 1 year ago

Toivottiin alle olevia muutoksia selitteisiin... kopioitu suoraan toimitetusta dokumentista.

"about": { "versionInfo": "Application version", "followUs": "Follow us", "title": "The Weather app of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica", "body": "Our app provides weather forecast information for specific locations throughout Jamaica for the next five days. If you enable location tracking on your phone, the service will automatically show a detailed weather forecast for the phone’s current location. By default, the app displays information about sky conditions, rainfall, temperature and wind speed and direction. Would you also like to see forecast information about humidity levels and wind gust speed? If so, you can adjust the app settings by tapping the icon towards the bottom of the home screen and selecting those additional parameters. They will then be displayed automatically in all forecasts. You can save your favourite locations in order to consult the latest weather forecast for each one more easily. Select the locations you wish to save by tapping the search button on the top right-hand corner of the home screen and typing in the name of the city, urban district, town or rural community you want. It should appear on a drop-down menu. Each forecast shows expected weather conditions hour by hour for the rest of today and all of tomorrow for the location selected. Forecast conditions for the next three days are shown at three-hour intervals. Forecasts of rainfall amount, temperature and wind speed and direction for the next five days can also be viewed as a graph. To create a graph, tap the graph button at the top of the forecast table and select the weather parameter that you wish to view. The animation in the map section of the app shows where rainfall is expected to occur in Jamaica during the next few hours. In addition to weather forecasts, the app shows all weather warnings that are in force in Jamaica over the next five days. The warnings section contains a series of five warnings maps of the island and the surrounding sea area. Each map shows all the weather warnings that have been issued by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica for that particular day. The text section below each map provides more detailed information about each warning shown on the map on a parish-by-parish basis. Each warning message describes the threat expected, the level of severity anticipated and the kind of impacts that are likely

}, "termsAndConditions": { "close": "Close", "closeButtonAccessibilityHint": "Close Terms of Use and navigate back to previous screen", "generalTitle": "Terms of Use for the Weather mobile application by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica”, "contentsTitle": "1. Right of use", "contentsDescription": "The user of the application has the right to use the application in accordance with these terms of use. The right of use is not exclusive and cannot be transferred to a third party. The license expires when the user deletes the application. The user of the application is responsible for the acquisition of the equipment, software and telecommunications connections needed to use the application, the costs incurred and the operation of the devices, software and connections. The user shall take care to use the application in a secure environment.", "generalDescription": "These terms of use apply to the use of the Weather mobile application (henceforth ‘application’) maintained by the Meteorological Service of Jamaica. The purpose of the application is to provide the user with weather observations, forecasts and warnings. These terms of use constitute the agreement between the Meteorological Service of Jamaica and the user of the application. These terms of use are binding and must be approved by the user when taking the application into use. The use of the application is voluntary. The application is provided through the App Store, Google Play Store or Huawei App Gallery, meaning that the user must comply with both these terms of use and the terms of use of the service provider in question.", "personalInfoTitle": "2. Personal data", "personalInfoDescription": "The application does not collect any personal data or information related to location or movement. At any time, the user may access the application settings and change or cancel the permissions they have given. The Meteorological Service of Jamaica may use subcontractors to enable the service provided through the application.", "immaterialRightsTitle": "3. Intellectual property rights", "immaterialRightsDescription": "All the intellectual property rights and proprietary rights for the application belong to the Meteorological Service of Jamaica. The application may contain open-source software.", "liabilityTitle": "4. Limitations of liability", "liabilityDescription": "The Meteorological Service of Jamaica monitors the system and seeks to prevent disturbances and interruptions to the service to the best of its ability. The Meteorological Service of Jamaica is not responsible for any decisions made on the basis of the service or its lack of availability, nor for any direct or indirect damage caused by the use of the data. The Meteorological Service of Jamaica is not liable for its obligations under these terms of use in cases of force majeure.", "rightToChangesTitle": "5. Validity of and changes to terms of use", "rightToChangesDescription": "Validity of and changes to terms of use the Meteorological Service of Jamaica has the right to change the contents of the application and these terms of use. Users shall be notified of any changes to the terms of use and any changes to the application content. In order for the user to continue using the application after changes have been applied to the terms of use, the user must accept the changed terms of use within the application.", "applicableLawTitle": "6. Applicable law and disputes", "applicableLawDescription": "These terms of use are governed by law of Jamaica with the exception of its conflict of laws principles. Any disputes shall be resolved in thecourts of Jamaica.", "contactDetailsTitle": "7. Contact information", "contactDetailsDescription": "The Meteorological Service of Jamaica\n65 3/4 Half Way Tree Road\nKingston 10" }, "accessibility": { "generalTitle": "Accessibility of the Weather application of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica”, "generalAbout": "This accessibility statement explains how the application of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica complies with the Act on the Provision of Digital Services, what shortcomings there are in the accessibility of the application and how you can give us feedback on accessibility issues.", "generalDescription": "This application is the responsibility of the Meteorological Service of Jamaica. We want as many users as possible to be able to access our digital services. We take accessibility into account in the development of digital services.", "subTitle1": "How accessible is the application?", "description1": "This application partly meets the accessibility criteria required by law at level A and AA (WCAG 2.1). The application has some shortcomings in accessibility, which are described in more detail below.", "subTitle2": "Did you notice shortcomings in accessibility?", "description2": "We are constantly working to improve the accessibility of the application. If you discover any issues that are not described on this page, please let us know and we will do our best to remedy them. We will respond as soon as possible or within two weeks at the latest. You can contact us by email at:", "email": “”, "subTitle4": "Details on technical accessibility", "description4": "The application is not yet fully accessible.", "subTitle5": "Content or functions that are not yet accessible", "description5": "- Keyboard focus may switch unexpectedly after changing to another page. (WCAG 2.4.3)\n- The application contains elements that do not have a descriptive heading or label. (WCAG 2.4.6)\n- Some weather symbols and rainfall bars in the application do not have sufficient contrast to the background or adjacent elements. (WCAG 1.4.3)\n- Some of the application symbols (e.g. rainfall bars per day) do not have a text equivalent. (WCAG 1.1.1).\n- The application has elements that are grouped together but may become in focus separately. (WCAG 2.4.3)\n- The application features an embedded section of an online service whose language does not match the selected language of the application in all cases. (WCAG 3.1.1 and 3.1.2)\n- The application contains sections that are in different languages and are in some cases read not in the language of the application. (WCAG 3.1.2)", "description5.1": "The aim is to rectify the shortcomings listed here during 2022 - 2023.", "subTitle6": "Accessibility of map-based content", "description6": "The application provides map-based weather information. Under legislation, maps and map services do not have to meet accessibility requirements. The data visualised on maps is available elsewhere in the application in an accessible format.", "subTitle7": "How have we tested accessibility?", "description7": "The observations in this accessibility statement are based on a third- party assessment of whether the online service meets the legal requirements. The application was published on 10 May 2022. This statement was prepared on 21 April

  1. The statement was last updated on 21 April 2022.", "link1": "Act on the Provision of Digital Services (306/2019)", "link2": "Website on accessibility requirements", "openInBrowser": "Open in browser" },
evnurm-cgi commented 1 year ago

Tekstit päivitetty Jamaikan-versioon. Huomasin, että noissa teksteissä on vielä joitan viittauksia Suomeen (esim. saavutettavuuden linkit, lakiviittaukset ja sovelluksen julkaisupäivämäärä)