fnzeta / Camsoda-Recorder

Automatically checks every 20 seconds (set in config file) to see which camsoda models are online and records any models which are in the "wanted" list when they are in a public shows.
MIT License
12 stars 5 forks source link

Recording problem (ssl certificate verify failed) with some camsoda models while others work well #1

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

Hi, I wonder whether this is a general problem or whether there's anything I could do about.

The scripts work well for me (thanks!), generally. However, it's not possible to record some of the camsoda channels. I haven't found out what the difference between these channels and the working channels could be.

For example, this one works:


And these 3 don't work for me: camsoda.com/brianna-jilll camsoda.com/meelissa camsoda.com/jenniferburrill

In browser I can open them without problems. With this script I receive the following lines in the shell:

started recording  https://edge3-ord.camsoda.com/cam/mp4:cam_high/meelissa-flu-ingest2-bog_h264_aac_480p/playlist.m3u8?token=eyJpdiI6IkpJZGJGcHZwSlJZaHltenhhTXpJZ2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaFRPMzBuYkpuXC9uWmt1Mm90RGFPM1E9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjI3ZjgzYmU3ZWE0ZjRkMmY2Nzk3ZjNhNDgwZGYwMWE2OGZiY2U3ZWE0NzhhNjU2ZDFjZWUxNjdiMWUxNjI2NTEifQ== finished check, next check in 20 seconds currently recording 3 models: ['brianna-jilll', 'meelissa', 'jenniferburrill'] https://edge12-ord.camsoda.com/cam/mp4:cam_high/brianna-jilll-flu-ingest3-ams_h264_aac_480p/playlist.m3u8?token=eyJpdiI6IkpJZGJGcHZwSlJZaHltenhhTXpJZ2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaFRPMzBuYkpuXC9uWmt1Mm90RGFPM1E9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjI3ZjgzYmU3ZWE0ZjRkMmY2Nzk3ZjNhNDgwZGYwMWE2OGZiY2U3ZWE0NzhhNjU2ZDFjZWUxNjdiMWUxNjI2NTEifQ== https://edge7-ord.camsoda.com/cam/mp4:cam_medium/jenniferburrill-flu-ingest1-ams_h264_aac_480p/playlist.m3u8?token=eyJpdiI6IkpJZGJGcHZwSlJZaHltenhhTXpJZ2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaFRPMzBuYkpuXC9uWmt1Mm90RGFPM1E9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjI3ZjgzYmU3ZWE0ZjRkMmY2Nzk3ZjNhNDgwZGYwMWE2OGZiY2U3ZWE0NzhhNjU2ZDFjZWUxNjdiMWUxNjI2NTEifQ== finished recording  finished recording  finished recording  checking for online models started recording 

So, every 20 seconds this repeats. The livestreamer.exe opens, again and again. No video files get saved.

I have also tried it with a programm called "X-StreamLoader". I guess it's the same issue. At least the camsoda channels that work and don't work are the same.

Here I receive the following kommando log if I try to stream the named camsoda channels:

[Streamlink for Windows v1.0.0 - Git f7ac894] [cli][info] Found matching plugin camsoda for URL camsoda.com/brianna-jilll error: Unable to open URL: https://edge4-ord.camsoda.com/cam/mp4:cam_high/brianna-jilll-flu-ingest1-ams_aac/playlist.m3u8?token=eyJpdiI6IkpJZGJGcHZwSlJZaHltenhhTXpJZ2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaFRPMzBuYkpuXC9uWmt1Mm90RGFPM1E9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjI3ZjgzYmU3ZWE0ZjRkMmY2Nzk3ZjNhNDgwZGYwMWE2OGZiY2U3ZWE0NzhhNjU2ZDFjZWUxNjdiMWUxNjI2NTEifQ== (HTTPSConnectionPool(host='edge4-ord.camsoda.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /cam/mp4:cam_high/brianna-jilll-flu-ingest1-ams_aac/playlist.m3u8?token=eyJpdiI6IkpJZGJGcHZwSlJZaHltenhhTXpJZ2c9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiaFRPMzBuYkpuXC9uWmt1Mm90RGFPM1E9PSIsIm1hYyI6IjI3ZjgzYmU3ZWE0ZjRkMmY2Nzk3ZjNhNDgwZGYwMWE2OGZiY2U3ZWE0NzhhNjU2ZDFjZWUxNjdiMWUxNjI2NTEifQ== (Caused by SSLError(SSLError(1, '[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:777)'),))) [End of Streamlink for Windows with ExitCode 1]

I'm not at all an expert when it comes to python and scripting. I only got some very little insight when I tried to install livestreamer and the other requirements for the script (searching for solutions for the problems I had). Now I can't really find anything that can help me understanding the problem.

So, I wonder whether this is a general problem or whether there's anything I could do about.

Thanks for help and ideas!

bptyat commented 1 year ago

I get the same issue. Are there any ways to fix this please?