fog / fog-openstack

Fog for OpenStack Platform
MIT License
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[Feature request] add support to set custom properties and tags for project #511

Open okleinschmidt opened 4 years ago

okleinschmidt commented 4 years ago

Shot description, with openstack-cli you are able to set custom properties and tags for project. It would be great to add this feature to fog-openstack.

Set project properties

positional arguments:
  <project>             Project to modify (name or ID)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --name <name>         Set project name
  --domain <domain>     Domain owning <project> (name or ID)
  --description <description>
                        Set project description
  --enable              Enable project
  --disable             Disable project
  --property <key=value>
                        Set a property on <project> (repeat option to set multiple properties)
  --tag <tag>           Tag to be added to the project (repeat option to set multiple tags)
  --clear-tags          Clear tags associated with the project. Specify both --tag and --clear-tags to overwrite current tags
  --remove-tag <tag>    Tag to be deleted from the project (repeat option to delete multiple tags)

cheers, Ole