fonsp / Pluto.jl

🎈 Simple reactive notebooks for Julia
MIT License
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Allow showing hidden code in HTML exports #2520

Open pankgeorg opened 1 year ago

pankgeorg commented 1 year ago

Historically, almost all my use cases of Pluto have been to share an analysis with colleagues in the form of a static export, and having to choose between "a cluttered notebook with code" and "a clean notebook without code" is a bit of a shame since it's super useful to be able to see the code behind the analysis, but if it's lengthy and all in your face it makes the notebook hard to navigate and intimidating

fonsp commented 1 year ago

Definitely! I discussed this one offline with Παναγιώτης and we definitely want to implement this (has been on the wish list for years). The tricky thing is the GUI: it's really important that an exported HTML notebook looks and feels like a web article, not like and IDE. So adding the little eye buttons everywhere would be a problem. Need to come up with something!

fonsp commented 1 year ago

Note from Gerhard: it might be nice to have control over which cells are foldable code. You can actually see the code of every cell if you try a little bit (by downloading the notebook), but it is currently a nice feature that this is not always directly visible.