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Unable to promote WI due to dependency of another mystery WI #245

Open matthewpomar-at-reddit opened 1 year ago

matthewpomar-at-reddit commented 1 year ago

One of our admins is unable to promote his WI from integration because it is dependent on another WI that DevOps Center thinks is in the integration status. But, there are (were) no other WIs in the integration state.

So we made some minor modifications to the same metadata and promoted a new WI to the integration state hoping that we could get around this issue. We moved the new WI in the integration state and try to promote the 2 WI together, but we still get the error below.


Seems there is data issues on the back-end, blocking us from moving forward on these WIs.

Not sure if this is blocking other WI with unreleased metadata, but it's clear that we won't be able to promote anything related to the metadata in these WIs.

I am seeing errors int the activity log related to rebasing as well: Rebase of WI-001232 branch from uat branch failed.

We did have an issue related to these where the user direct deleted the file in the target branch, but not sure that is the cause. The fire was restored, but didn't make a difference.

Anyone available to help us get unblocked here?

Thank you.

JimRigney-Lyra commented 10 months ago

Has anyone figured this one out yet or is there a work around?