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The 'Pull Changes' button on the WI should be up top to avoid endless scrolling. #266

Open pranavraulkar opened 1 year ago

pranavraulkar commented 1 year ago

I'm always frustrated when I have to scroll to the bottom of the page, just to click on Pull Changes. Then I have to scroll to the top to see if all the changes were pulled? If not, scroll again to the bottom of page. Click on Pull Changes again. Scroll to the top to see if all changes were pulled. If not scroll to the bottom on page.... Especially when sorted in descending order of modified on.

The Pull Changes button should be at the top so that I can avoid a lot of scrolling to the bottom of the page and back top, especially when there are many changes to be pulled.

It would be even better if the button remains static on top of the page rather than scrolling with it.

Even better would be to copy the whole section at the top of the page and be static for ease of use

For instance this is what we have now if I had to pull changes - I scroll to bottom of page and click on Pull Changes and back to top to see if all changes were pulled. If not repeat -


It would be easier if we had this -

sdavis-AWP commented 11 months ago

This. This. A thousand times. This.

VolodymyrMonchak commented 10 months ago


LizzyRandall commented 9 months ago


msteinersalesforce commented 4 months ago

1000% yes. This is the definition of a low hanging fruit.