fork-maintainers / iceraven-browser

Iceraven Browser
4.67k stars 224 forks source link

Is this project discontinued? #508

Closed blogmangit closed 1 year ago

blogmangit commented 2 years ago

Since 2 months there's no update has the project discontinued? because firefox has been updated long ago.

CharmCityCrab commented 2 years ago

Iceraven updates at a slower pace than Firefox does.

It's not ideal, but right now there is only one developer on the project ( @interfect ), and he works on it for free as a service to the community as he wants to or is able to.

He's expressed a willingness to have volunteers cut updates that merge the latest from upstream with the existing code and customizations on a more regular basis, but so far no one has stepped forward, so we get them when we get them.

I guess the most direct answer to your question is that, no, not having had an update in a while doesn't necessarily mean that the project has been discontinued. We've gone longer before. We've also gotten them in much less time before. My gut says that we can probably expect one soon, but it's really up to the developer.

I still feel like this is by far the best browser available for Android and is worth the tradeoff of getting less frequent updates. Maybe one day some people will volunteer to help @interfect out and we'll get them more frequently.

interfect commented 2 years ago

It's not discontinued. I'm using it right now, and when I feel like the hackers are going to get me if I don't I make a new build.

If you want a new build sooner, I think you can make a PR for it? Although I've been rebasing now and just moving the fork branch, which Github PRs can't quite understand. But anyway, if you can generate a commit that you want released I can look at it and make it a release, or put you in fork-maintainers so you can make releases.

towfikomar commented 1 year ago

Dead ☠️

interfect commented 1 year ago

RIP This Project.

There should be a new release building now. I will check back to see if the release automation actually manages to publish it.

CharmCityCrab commented 1 year ago

There should be a new release building now. I will check back to see if the release automation actually manages to publish it.

Release automation didn't publish it, at least not on the main releases page.

interfect commented 1 year ago

What seems to be dead is the release auromation's ability to get through the Gradle build without the Gradle demon crashing for no apparent reason.

I will have to make sure I can do a clean build from a fresh checkout, and either fix whatever is secretly breaking Github Actions or just publish my APKs in a release.