fork-maintainers / iceraven-browser

Iceraven Browser
4.67k stars 224 forks source link

upstream sync tag v108.2.0 #543

Closed akliuxingyuan closed 1 year ago

akliuxingyuan commented 1 year ago

Pull Request checklist

To download an APK when reviewing a PR:

The PR runs an Android build check (run-build) that builds a forkRelease variant of the app. If it succeeds, then we upload the apks (signed with debug keys) via Github actions. We also generate a comment with some instructions and a link to help you find the downloads. You can also follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Details next to "run-build (pull_request_target)" after it finishes with a green checkmark.
  2. Click the "Artifacts" drop-down near the top right of the page.
  3. The apk links should be present in the drop-down menu. You can click on the suitable CPU architecture to download a zipped apk file.
  4. Unzip the file and install the apk.
interfect commented 1 year ago

OK, I've checked this and it looked good to me, so I squash-merged it in on top of Mozilla Firefox v108.2.0. If that seems to work I can do a release.

Thanks for making this!

interfect commented 1 year ago

Github has no idea what I'm doing, so the mega-commit is e74a08cac9acd3b0237b8588c16288375dbd2d97