Closed Colonial-Dev closed 5 years ago
Hi, Mycroft's default skill dir is /opt/mycroft/skills could that be the issue?
It sounds like the common play framework is invoked, I am in the process of moving over to that framework (see the branch common-play), however the handling is still very rough. For a good result you need to be very minimalistic in your utterances: just "play ALBUM" or "play ARTIST"
Okay, moving the skill to /opt/mycroft/skills fixed the issue, and I'm able to play albums and artists. Thanks for your help.
Mopidy has been successfully started as a service with a scanned library.
mopidy_skill has been cloned into ~/.mycroft/skills
Mopidy is running on the same machine (Pi 3) so I haven't changed ~/.mycroft/mycroft.conf
Asking Mycroft to play "Launch by Logan Gabriel" or some other song/album/etc fails with:
Is there some step I'm missing to make Mycroft use the new skill? Or have I messed up somewhere else?