Solving the inverse problem (0.000000, -57.244630) -> (179.795459, -12.169046) on the WGS84 ellipsoid results in a convergence failure warning from the Newton solver and an inaccurate result.
In [3]: LonLatWGS84.inverse(0.000000, -57.244630, 179.795459, -12.169046)
RuntimeWarning: Convergence failure (0.000000, -57.244630) -> (179.795459, -12.169046)
Out [3]: (-168.75633860993707, -173.7906929918106, 12246936.66410405)
libproj result:
In [6]: import pyproj
In [7]: g = pyproj.Geod("+ellps=WGS84")
In [8]: g.inv(0.000000, -57.244630, 179.795459, -12.169046)
Out[8]: (179.786987431945, -179.88183727918067, 12310967.277411604)
Solving the inverse problem (0.000000, -57.244630) -> (179.795459, -12.169046) on the WGS84 ellipsoid results in a convergence failure warning from the Newton solver and an inaccurate result.
libproj result:
geographiclib result:
matlab result: