four-d-tesseract / EtymologyMarker

This program looks up the etymologies of words in a text file and color-codes the words according to their origin. It allows a writer to view the register of her writing at a glance.
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How to manage hyphenated words #5

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Some hyphenated words refer to 'one word' as referenced in dictionaries

But some refer to compound words unlikely to be found as a single word in our dictionary.

In its current state the program doesn't handle the latter type well, as it strips the word of punctuation (i.e. turns ill-defined into illdefined) and then looks for a match in the dictionary.

I'm thinking the solution to this would be to:

four-d-tesseract commented 8 years ago

I think this is a great idea. I had an idea for something similar (if taking the hyphen out fails, try splitting the word instead), but wasn't sure how to keep track of the words with hyphens. Go for it!