I was looking at using the quattroshapes shapefiles for some geocoding and reverse geocoding and noticed a few issues:
First, the qs_localities.dbf file appears to not properly follow the DBF format. (I suppose it's also possible that the library I'm using is broken, but it works for all of the other files). See https://github.com/GeospatialPython/pyshp/issues/23 for more information about the problem.
Second, when using https://github.com/gka/pyshpgeocode against the other shapefile groups it works fine, and I can successfully find a location using coordinates (reverse geocoding). However, when searching qs_localadmin, the library never finds any search results for any query. Granted, it could be a problem with the library and not the file, but the library seems to work fantastically for qs_adm0, qs_adm1, qs_adm2, and qs_neighborhoods.
Finally, it looks like the static files were generated and uploaded a single time on June 3, 2013 and haven't been updated since then. Is there any plan (or some other download location) for providing regular updates for these files?
I was looking at using the quattroshapes shapefiles for some geocoding and reverse geocoding and noticed a few issues: