fp7-netide / Engine

App Engine to enable Network App programs to be executed, systematically tested, and refined on a variety of concrete SDN platforms
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onos-Backend error #138

Open whulzp opened 7 years ago

whulzp commented 7 years ago

Hi all, when I enter the onos-backend project directory and compile the code''mvn clean install'',there is an error: Failed to execute goal org.onosproject:onos-maven-plugin:1.10:app (app) on project onos-app-backend: Unable to stage artifact mvn:org.onosproject/onos-protocols-openflow-ctl/1.7.0: File /root/.m2/repository/org/onosproject/onos-protocols-openflow-ctl/1.7.0/onos-protocols-openflow-ctl-1.7.0.jar does not exist

My onos is 1.7.0,and it is good running. any idea? Thank you everyone

doriguzzi commented 7 years ago

I suggest you to move to ONOS 1.7.1

amarsico commented 7 years ago

This error is strange, by default all the downloads of Backend dependencies from Maven repository are on ONOS version 1.7.1. I endorse the solution proposed by @doriguzzi, since the ONOS backend is tested for ONOS 1.7.1. Moreover, you are running in the root and I don't think that Maven likes it. Check also that your machine can reach the Maven online repo.

whulzp commented 7 years ago

I tried to buck build onos1.7.1,but failed ,would mind give me a course about "how to buck the onos" ,or can you give the onos that you haved buck build.I am a novice ,hope you don't mind.