Closed nwabdou85 closed 8 years ago
Assuming you have already followed the steps to configure a deployment source, just add them in the portal under the "Application Settings" tab:
Then trigger a rebuild (in the "Deployment options" tab) and it should work correctly.
@ramijarrar thank's for help, I still ve the error : You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
how can I fix it please?
Please paste your deployment log.
this one : Using cached version of deployment script (command: 'azure -y --no-dot-deployment -r "D:\home\site\repository" -o "D:\home\site\deployments\tools" --node --sitePath "D:\home\site\repository"').
It doesn't look like you have the script installed at all.
Please check that you have followed the setup instructions in the README (root directory should contain the .deployment file
and .config/azure
in the root I ve script directory which cinains .deployment file and and .config/azure directory
and my main.js file is in root in server directory
Okay, so where you went wrong: you need to copy the contents of the script directory rather than the directory itself.
In other words, your file structure should look like this:
If that isn't completely clear, consider taking a look at the example repo.
Thank's, it's fixed for now, but still display nothing but this line : import '/imports/startup/server/index.js'; look at; is it normal?
knowon that it's a react-meteor app, if that can help you
and the only thing I've on main.js is this line : import '/imports/startup/server/index.js';
Does your app run locally? Do you have a deployment log (under the "Deployment options" tab in the portal)
yes yes it run locally, and I ve deployment log inside Deployment options ( soory to be late, I've some probleme with internt)
Can you paste it?
for now, it displays this one ` Command: bash .config/azure/ Invalid start-up command "meteor run" in package.json. Please use the format "node Githubissues.
after have deplyed may react-meteor app, I get this error on
any one can explain me what's happens and how to fix it, please??
alos, I can't figure out where to set up all this bellow
Following App Settings: SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT - 3600 MONGO_URL - (MongoDB connection string) MONGO_OPLOG_URL - (Optional: Recommended with multiple instances) ROOT_URL - http://{sitename} or your custom domain if you've set that up METEOR_SETTINGS - (Optional: e.g from your settings.json) WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION - (Node version bundled with your current Meteor release) METEOR_AZURE_NPM_VERSION - (NPM version bundled with your current Meteor release)
Any help please.