fractal-code / meteor-azure

Automate Meteor deployments on Azure App Service
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How to configure "App Settings"? #10

Closed nwabdou85 closed 8 years ago

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

after have deplyed may react-meteor app, I get this error on

any one can explain me what's happens and how to fix it, please??

alos, I can't figure out where to set up all this bellow

Following App Settings: SCM_COMMAND_IDLE_TIMEOUT - 3600 MONGO_URL - (MongoDB connection string) MONGO_OPLOG_URL - (Optional: Recommended with multiple instances) ROOT_URL - http://{sitename} or your custom domain if you've set that up METEOR_SETTINGS - (Optional: e.g from your settings.json) WEBSITE_NODE_DEFAULT_VERSION - (Node version bundled with your current Meteor release) METEOR_AZURE_NPM_VERSION - (NPM version bundled with your current Meteor release)

Any help please.


ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

Assuming you have already followed the steps to configure a deployment source, just add them in the portal under the "Application Settings" tab:

screen shot 2016-11-14 at 12 29 31 pm

Then trigger a rebuild (in the "Deployment options" tab) and it should work correctly.

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

@ramijarrar thank's for help, I still ve the error : You do not have permission to view this directory or page.

how can I fix it please?

ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

Please paste your deployment log.

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

this one : Using cached version of deployment script (command: 'azure -y --no-dot-deployment -r "D:\home\site\repository" -o "D:\home\site\deployments\tools" --node --sitePath "D:\home\site\repository"').

ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

It doesn't look like you have the script installed at all.

Please check that you have followed the setup instructions in the README (root directory should contain the .deployment file and .config/azure directory)

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

in the root I ve script directory which cinains .deployment file and and .config/azure directory

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

and my main.js file is in root in server directory

ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

Okay, so where you went wrong: you need to copy the contents of the script directory rather than the directory itself.

In other words, your file structure should look like this:


If that isn't completely clear, consider taking a look at the example repo.

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

Thank's, it's fixed for now, but still display nothing but this line : import '/imports/startup/server/index.js'; look at; is it normal?

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

knowon that it's a react-meteor app, if that can help you

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

and the only thing I've on main.js is this line : import '/imports/startup/server/index.js';

ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

Does your app run locally? Do you have a deployment log (under the "Deployment options" tab in the portal)

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

yes yes it run locally, and I ve deployment log inside Deployment options ( soory to be late, I've some probleme with internt)

ramijarrar commented 8 years ago

Can you paste it?

nwabdou85 commented 8 years ago

for now, it displays this one ` Command: bash .config/azure/ Invalid start-up command "meteor run" in package.json. Please use the format "node Githubissues.

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