frame-lang / frame-machine-notation

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Frame Machine Notation (FMN) 0.2.0

Frame's mission is to be the easiest and most intuitive way to specify and implement Finite State Machines (FSMs) - aka "Automata" - in any object-oriented language.

See Medium for articles about Frame!

FMN Syntax Definition Example Gist
# Controller #LoggedOut
-block- Block Section -machine-
$ Frame State $Begin
@ Frame Event @
@|message| or |message| Frame event message selector |buttonClick|
@|>>| Frame start message @|>>|
@|<<| Frame stop message @|<<|
@|>| Frame enter state message @|>|
@|<| Frame exit state message @|<|
@[param] or [param] Frame Event parameter attribute @[firstName]
^ Return statement ^
@^ or ^(expr) Frame Event return attribute ^("YES!")
> Continue (break) >
-> Transition operator -> $Working Transition
->> Change state operator ->> $Working Change State

General Syntax

// this is a comment

Frame Event

Frame Events are essential to the notation and the implementation. The notation assumes three mandatory fields for a FrameEvent - (message, parameters, return value). Frame Events have a special type symbol @ that refers to the current event in scope (there is almost always only one).

The pseudocode for the implementation is:

 class FrameEvent {

   var _msg:String
   var _params:Object
   var _return:Object

   FrameEvent(msg:String, params:Object = null) {
      _msg = msg
      _params = params

Frame Controller

A controller is a Frame machine, or automaton, that contains blocks (or sections) that define the internal structure of the machine. From an implementation standpoint, the reference architecture for implementing a Frame controller is defined as an object-oriented class, but this is for general applicability and not a requirement.

// FMN

##  // optional

// Pseudocode implementation

class MyController {

    // -interface-
    // -machine-
    // -actions-
    // -domain-

Interface Block

// FMN

    -interface-                     // interface block declaration

        m1                              // no parameters or return value
        m2[param1 param2]               // typeless parameters
        m3[param1:string param2:int]    // typed parameters
        m4:boolean                      // typed return value
        m5[param4 param5:string]:int    // mixed parameters and return value
        m6 @(|6m|)                      // message alias

// Pseudocode implementation

    func m1() { 
        var e = new FrameEvent("m1")

    func m2(param1 param2) { 
        var params = { "param1":param1, "param2":param2 }
        var e = new FrameEvent("m2", params)

    func m3(param1:string, param2:int) { 
        var params = { "param1":param1, "param2":param2 }
        var e = new FrameEvent("m3", params)

    func m4():boolean { 
        var e = new FrameEvent("m2")
        return (boolean) e._return

    func m5(param4, param5:string):int { 
        var params = { "param1":param1, "param2":param2 }
        var e = new FrameEvent("m2", params)
        return (int) e._return

    func m6() { 
        var e = new FrameEvent("6m")

Machine Block

// FMN

    -machine-                               // machine block declaration

    $Begin                  // $    -- token indicates state definition
        |>>|                // |>>| -- start event selector
            -> $Working         // ->   -- transition token
                        ^           // ^    -- return token

        $Working => $Default            // =>   -- Dispatch operator to send event to $Default
        |>| enterWorking() ^        // |>|  -- enter event selector
        |<| exitWorking() ^     // |<|  -- exit event selector

        $End                    // $End state has no event handlers. 

        $Default                // $Default parent state or "mode"
        |<<| -> $End ^          // |<<|  -- stop event selector token

// Pseudocode Implementation

        // -machine-

    func Begin(e:FrameEvent) {      // $Begin
        if (e._msg == ">>") {       // |>>|
            _transition(Working)    // -> $Working
            return          // ^

    func Working(e:FrameEvent) {        // $Working
        if (e._msg == ">") {        // |>|
            enterWorking()      // enterWorking()
            return          // ^
        if (e._msg == "<") {        // |<|
            exitWorking()       // exitWorking()
            return          // ^

        Default(e)          // $Working => $Default

    func End(e:FrameEvent) {        // $End

    func Default(e:FrameEvent) {        // $Default
        if (e._msg == "<<") {       // |<<|
            _transition(End)        // -> $End
            return          // ^

    //-- machinery and mechanisms --//

    var _state(e:FrameEvent) = Begin    // initialize start state

    func _transition(newState:FrameState) {
        _state(new FrameEvent("<")) // send exit event
        _state = newState       // change state
        _state(new FrameEvent(">")) // send enter event

States and Event Handlers

// FMN

        |>>| startMachine() ^       // start machine event
        |<<| stopMachine() ^        // stop machine event
        |>| enterState() ^      // enter state event
        |<| exitState() ^       // exit state event
        |e1| processE1(@[x] @[y]) ^ // packed param passing
        |e2|[x y] processE2(x y) ^  // unpacked param passing

// Pseudocode Implementation

    func Working(e:FrameEvent) {        // $Working
        if (e._msg == ">>") {       // |>|
                startMachine()      // startMachine()
                return          // ^
        if (e._msg == "<<") {       // |<<|
                stopMachine()       // stopMachine()
                return          // ^
        if (e._msg == ">") {        // |>|
                enterState()        // enterState()
                return          // ^
        if (e._msg == "<") {        // |<|
                exitState()     // exitState()
                return          // ^
        if (e._msg == "e1") {       // |e1|
            processE1(      // processE1(@[x] @[y])
            )   e._params['y']
                return          // ^
        if (e._msg == "e2") {       // |e1|
            var x = e._params['x']  // [x y]
            var y = e._params['y']
            processE2(x,y)      // processE2(x y)
                return          // ^

Control Flow

The Frame notation for routing control flow is inspired by the C ternary operator. However it has been modified to handle a wide range of branching scenarios.

Boolean routing

The first routing syntax is for simple Boolean tests.

Boolean expressions can be enclosed in parenthesis for clarity:

// FMN

(x < 10)  ? small() :>
(x > 100) ? large() :

// Pseudocode implementation

or omitted:

// FMN

isSmall(x) ? small() :>
isLarge(x) ? large() :

// Pseudocode implementation

if (isSmall(x)) {
} else if (isLarge(x)) {
} else {

or mixed:

// FMN

(isSmall(x))  ? small() :>
x > 100       ? large() :

// Pseudocode implementation

if (isSmall(x)) {
} else if (x > 100) {
} else {

Here is an example demonstrating a series of validation tests on an updated name:

// FMN

        validateFirstName(@[firstName]) ?! alert("First Name Error") ^ :>
        validateLastName(@[lastName])   ?! alert("Last Name Error") ^  :
                           -> $ValidatedName ^         ::

// Pseudocode implementation

func UnvalidatedName(e:FrameEvent) {
    if (e._message == "updateName") {
        if (!validateFirstName(e._params["firstName"])) {
            alert("First Name Error")
        } else if (!validateLastName(e._params["lastName"])) {
            alert("Last Name Error")
        } else {


Match Routing

Frame also has syntax for matching values to determine the control flow. The general syntax is:

<test_value> ?<match_type> 
    /<match_value>/ <behavior>
    /<match_value>/ <behavior>
    /_/         <null_behavior>
    /*/         <default_behavior>

The possible match types are:

~ : match string
# : match number or range
* : match regular expression .

For instance:

// FMN

userName ?~ 
    /bill/ matchedBill() 
    /steve/ matchedSteve()

// Pseudocode implementation

if (userName == "bill") {
} else if (userName == "steve") {

Tests can be done for the union of matches:

// FMN

userName ?~ 
    /bill/steve/ matchedBillOrSteve() 

// Pseudocode implementation

if (userName == "bill" || userName == "steve") {

Two special string matches exist that can be escaped using \:

/\_/ : match single underscore
/\*/ : match single star

// FMN

userName ?~
    /bill/steve/ matchedBillOrSteve() 
    /_/  matchedNull()  
    /\_/ matchedUnderscore()            
    /\*/ matchedStar()
    /*/  matchedDefault()   

// Pseudocode implementation

if (userName == "bill" || userName == "steve") {  
} else if (userName == null) {
} else if (userName == "_") {
} else if (userName == "*") {
} else {

Number matches can be on discrete values:

// FMN

x ?#
    /1/   small() 
    /10/  medium()
    /100/ large()   
    /*/   otherSize()

// Pseudocode implementation

if (x == 1) {  
} else if (x == 10) {
} else if (x == 100) {
} else {

Frame supports number ranges through the following range operator syntax:

min..max    // inclusive range [min, max]
min...      // min to positive infinity [min, infinity)
...max      // negative infinity to max (-infinity, max]
min..<max   // min up to max [min, max)   
min<..max   // after min up to max (min, max]   
min<..<max  // between min and max (min, max)   

An example:

// FMN

x ?# 
    /...<10/ small()        // negative infinity to < 10
    /10..<100/ medium()     // 10 to < 100
    /100.../ large()        // 100 to positive infinity

// Pseudocode implementation

if (x < 10) {  
} else if (10 =< x && x < 100) {
} else if (100 =< x) {

Frame also can support regular expression matching, but does not currently provide a detailed specification for what flavor of regex language to use. This aspect of Frame will be more tightly defined in future versions of the notation:

animals ?* 

    /dogs?/ dogOrPack() 
    /cats?/ catOrCowder()