francostellari / NppPlugins

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[AUTO SAVE] Where did the additional options go? #41

Open neviln opened 1 year ago

neviln commented 1 year ago

In the previous version, there were extra options to decide what to do with named & unnamed files and also the choice to overwrite or to save an autorecover file. None of those are there anymore?

offhub commented 1 year ago

The features you mentioned have been removed, according to the changelog.

francostellari commented 1 year ago

By far the number one complain from users has been the flipping/flickering of the file tabs in order to check on the various file statuses. To avoid this the code had to be changed and the old options cannot be supported anymore moving forward. Note that the new plugin simply ignores unamed files. Those are retained anyhow by Npp. If you have a special situation where the old options are mandatory, then you need to stay with v1.6.

neviln commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the explanation. Is there anyway the option to choose "saving an autorecover file" could still be implemented without causing the flickering issue? I really liked this option since it didn't overwrite the original file which meant I had an autorecover file with current changes, but still had the original file that i could close without saving it to revert back to square one. in case I didn't like the changes I had made.

francostellari commented 1 year ago

Notepad++ offers a backup feature on save