franga2000 / BungeeStatus

A PHP powered website to show players the status of your BungeeCord network
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Stuck Loading? #15

Open djoveryde opened 9 years ago

djoveryde commented 9 years ago

Im currently having an issue where the server status is stuck loading.

Under the servers.yml I have it set to the following:

    "Name": "Factions",
    "Adress": "",
    "Port": "25566",
    "Description": "",
    "Offline_reason": "Server is Currently Offline"
    "Name": "Towny",
    "Adress": "",
    "Port": 25568,
    "Description": ""

On a Side note if I try to add a server through admin it keeps asking for the password and directing me back to a new server setup each time I try to save the server

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

Your server is returning a HTTP 500 error. That means a fatal error occured when running the APi script. What are your PHP and BungeeStatus versions?

djoveryde commented 9 years ago

BungeeStatus 1.8

PHP version 5.4.24

Im hoping its showing you the same as me:


djoveryde commented 9 years ago

Found it was using PHP Version 5.2, i've updated it to 5.4 now and this time i'm just getting:


djoveryde commented 9 years ago

Do I have to enable sockets from my minecraft host, or the website host that the file is stored on? Also which sockets need to be enabled?

Im presuming this is the issue

franga2000 commented 9 years ago

You need to open the query port on both sides (at least IN on server and OUT on host)

djoveryde commented 9 years ago

Out of those which would be the ones for the webhost so I can tell them?

djoveryde commented 9 years ago

Apparently the ports are open, but its still showing offline. Is there any way to query for any blockages?