frank-w / u-boot

U-Boot-Bootloader for BananaPI-R2/R64/R2Pro/R3
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banana-pi bananapi bpi-r2 bpi-r2pro bpi-r3 bpi-r64 r2 r2pro r3 r64 u-boot uboot

U-boot for BPI-R2/R64/R2Pro/R3/R4



On x86/x64-host you need cross compile tools for the armhf architecture:

sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu libc6-armhf-cross u-boot-tools make gcc swig python-dev python3-pyelftools



env erase


  #edit build.conf to select bpi-r64/bpi-r2pro/bpi-r3 if needed
  ./ importconfig
  ./ config #optional (menuconfig)
  ./ install #write to sd-card
  ./ umount #umount automatic mounted partitions

building and flash image

for all boards there are basic sdcard image templates created containing the full bootchain till uboot.

These do not contain linux kernel or rootfs but you can flash them as base to sdcard.

gunzip -c bpi-r3_sdmmc.img.gz | sudo dd bs=1M status=progress conv=notrunc,fsync of=/dev/sdX

#writing R3 emmc (booting from spi-nand/nor and load kernel with initrd)
gunzip -c /mnt/bpi-r3_emmc.img.gz | dd bs=1M status=progress conv=notrunc,fsync of=/dev/mmcblk0

After this you can extract the rootfs and kernel to the card.

refresh partitiontable and mounting

sudo partprobe /dev/sdX
udisksctl mount -b /dev/disk/by-label/BPI-BOOT
udisksctl mount -b /dev/disk/by-label/BPI-ROOT

debian bullseye rootfs (created by in same folder):


# unpack debian rootfs
sudo tar -xzf bullseye_arm64.tar.gz -C /media/$USER/BPI-ROOT
# unpack kernel binary files
sudo tar -xzf bpi-r3_6.1.0-main.tar.gz --strip-components=1 -C /media/$USER/BPI-BOOT BPI-BOOT
# for r3 move kernel binary to root of boot-partition and rename it
mv /media/$USER/BPI-BOOT/bananapi/bpi-r3/linux/bpi-r3.itb /media/$USER/BPI-BOOT/bpi-r3-6.1.0.itb
echo "fit=bpi-r3-6.1.0.itb" >> /media/$USER/BPI-BOOT/uEnv.txt
# unpack kernel modules to rootfs
# debian uses /lib as symlink to usr/lib, extracting the dir from tar overwrites symlink with directory
# which contains then only the kernel-modules, but not other libs so extract the subfolder to /lib
sudo tar -xzf bpi-r3_6.1.0-main.tar.gz --strip-components=2 -C /media/$USER/BPI-ROOT/lib/ BPI-ROOT/lib/

R2 uses uImage and kernel=xxx in uEnv.txt (in folder bananapi/bpi-r2/linux) R64, R3, R4 uses fit in in root dir of BPI-BOOT partition (fit=bpi-rX.itb) R2Pro uses now fit and uEnv.txt too (Image.gz+dtb in extlinux folder as fallback).

set root-password and maybe make additional changes:

sudo chroot /media/$USER/BPI-ROOT
echo "bpi-r3" > /etc/hostname


# <file system> <dir>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
/dev/mmcblk0p5  /boot   vfat    errors=remount-ro   0   1
/dev/mmcblk0p6  /   ext4    defaults        0   0

maybe add network-config (systemd) and systemd services i uploaded here:

i have created an script which creates full sdcard-Images including rootfs and kernel (except BPI-R4):