I use a Frama Emika with Moveit. I use Desk and Moveit to compare the position control precision.
I had to do a vertical insertion on a tool. On Desk software, I can easily do a vertical up and down. But my MoveIt and Franka state controller, the robot arm seems to shift and don't have repeatable position precision.
I use Franka_control.launch and I don't modify it:
In franka_control_node the internal_controller is joint_impedance. What is the deference between joint_impedance and cartesian_cartesian_impedance ?
How can I improve my position control ?
The position static error seems to come from the variable load_gripper. When the load_gripper value is at false, the robot arm gets bag position repeatability and even the end robot part is slowly shifting.
I use a Frama Emika with Moveit. I use Desk and Moveit to compare the position control precision.
I had to do a vertical insertion on a tool. On Desk software, I can easily do a vertical up and down. But my MoveIt and Franka state controller, the robot arm seems to shift and don't have repeatable position precision.
I use Franka_control.launch and I don't modify it:
It seems to use the franka_control_node.yaml and default_controllers.yaml that I don't modify:
In franka_control_node the internal_controller is joint_impedance. What is the deference between joint_impedance and cartesian_cartesian_impedance ?
How can I improve my position control ?
Edit: The position static error seems to come from the variable load_gripper. When the load_gripper value is at false, the robot arm gets bag position repeatability and even the end robot part is slowly shifting.