fraunhoferhhi / neural-deferred-shading

Multi-View Mesh Reconstruction with Neural Deferred Shading (CVPR 2022)
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Question about getting textured meshes #9

Closed TLB-MISS closed 1 year ago

TLB-MISS commented 1 year ago

Hi, @mworchel @GreenFoxLight !! Thank you for revealing good research. I have one question for you.

Is it possible to get mesh face (vertex if not possible) color from shader? If there is a possible process, please let me know!


mworchel commented 1 year ago


generally, the shader outputs a view-dependent color, so it is difficult to get one representative color per vertex.

You could use the vertex normal as view direction to obtain a "front-facing" color per vertex. For diffuse materials, this should be ok as their appearance is view independent anyway. However, it is not clear if this operation would be meaningful for materials with specular reflection.

Best, Markus

TLB-MISS commented 1 year ago


Thank you for kind reply! Your answer means that the shader shows the color of the (view-dependent) mesh vertex(not mesh face)?

mworchel commented 1 year ago

The shader can output a view-dependent color for every point in 3D space (think of radiance volume like NeRF), because it is queried with a 3D position and a direction. I proposed evaluating it at the vertex positions but of course it can be evaluated on the faces. However, the output will obviously not be constant per face.

Hope this helps.

TLB-MISS commented 1 year ago


It is clear. Thank you!