A subsystem should be created to manage communication with our lights system, likely an Arduino connected via USB to the RoboRio. This subsystem should use data available to the robot to determine a desired light pattern and then send a message to the Arduino to change the lights to that pattern.
Some suggested robot states and their light patterns:
Disabled - rotating multicolor (extra credit...no green!)
Shooter on target - fast multicolor chaser
Hanging, unbalanced - flashing alliance color
Hanging, balanced - solid alliance color
[ ] Test Roborio to Arduino communications via USB.
[ ] List robot states where a light pattern is desired and determine sensor data needed
[ ] Determine desired light patterns for states where all necessary data is available
[ ] Develop new light patterns on Arduino as needed
A subsystem should be created to manage communication with our lights system, likely an Arduino connected via USB to the RoboRio. This subsystem should use data available to the robot to determine a desired light pattern and then send a message to the Arduino to change the lights to that pattern.
Some suggested robot states and their light patterns: Disabled - rotating multicolor (extra credit...no green!) Shooter on target - fast multicolor chaser Hanging, unbalanced - flashing alliance color Hanging, balanced - solid alliance color