frdel / agent-zero

Agent Zero AI framework
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Suggestion: Add the support to save entire workflows for future usage #31

Open blk-raffy opened 1 month ago

blk-raffy commented 1 month ago

Add a setup process to create custom workflows (not agents) with their own custom tools and save it as is. This could save up a lot of time for future interaction.

Example: I would like to build a workflows which can receive a youtube video, download it as an mp4, add an intro, and outro and translate the audio in multiple languages. The behavior should be: yuo can provide the prompt to do that in a procedural way and in the end you can save the workflows with a name, Zero Agent will create a custom tools to save the entire workflows and in the future when I'll say: "Download this video, add this intro and this outro, translate it in spanish" Zero Agent shouldn't create anything from zero, it will boots up the previous workflows to get the work done.

With this framework I can do it but if I would like to do it a second time I have to start from zero. It would be amazing if the flexibility of this framework would be used to create workflows even more easily than agents.

PS: With this and the support to use Zero-Agents via API would be the killer framework of 2024/2025

carlenns commented 1 month ago

Why don't you just write your workflow out in a text file, save the file, then instruct agent zero to read the file and follow its instructions simplicity. Of course put it in the main directory or else add the directory to the filename when you call the file

frdel commented 1 month ago

You can instruct your agent to create instructions and scripts and save them on the disk. Maybe even Jupyter notebooks.

blk-raffy commented 1 month ago

You can instruct your agent to create instructions and scripts and save them on the disk. Maybe even Jupyter notebooks.

I didn't know that, thanks I'll try it

deciduus commented 1 month ago

Another approach, at pivotal moments where you see something new - workflow - you intervene and then you say "save to memory the current workflow or solutions found, and give me a keyword to reference for later, also save to a txt file in /root/thatsubdirectory ensuring it's writable first."

This will give you keywords and then later you can basically use that same keyword for the project. ex. "chess_game_ai_status" is my keyword and if i have to close program i say "save current project status and development to memory and update keyword" or similar. "check memory for [keyword] and continue working on project in /root/thatsubdirectory"

or say i run into a bug or a stuck terminal (waiting for input agent doesnt know), i intervene, save current status and workflow to memory and get keyword, e close, relaunch and then use keyword and memory to continue.