frederic-mahe / Analogue-Pocket

An issue tracker for Analogue's Pocket, a handheld FPGA device released in December 2021
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[openFPGA] Asset loading does not work when size is not a multiple of four #132

Closed markus-zzz closed 4 months ago

markus-zzz commented 5 months ago

Using firmware 2.1 (and previous).

Issuing bridge target command 'Data slot read' (0x0180) to read a data slot whose size is not a multiple of four results in the last 1-3 bytes containing garbage. The documentation does not mention any such constraints on the size.

E.g. for the C64 the .prg file format is very common to distribute executable programs and this format does not have a multiple of four constraint. With this bug loading these through the framework becomes a major inconvenience (see

markus-zzz commented 4 months ago

Confirmed to have been fixed with firmware update v2.2 (pocket_firmware_2_2.bin)

Thank you Analogue :)