freefair / gradle-plugins

Gradle Plugin Collection
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aspectj-plugin:2.9.5 inpath config #875

Open Cryln opened 1 year ago

Cryln commented 1 year ago

JDK 8, Gradle 4.8, aspectj-plugin 2.9.5

I need to enhance a third-party tool, but this version seems cannot specify arbitrary inpath, so I used an unconventional method to enhance.

task copyClass(type: Copy) {
    from { zipTree(configurations.enhance.files.first())}
    include ("com/dianping/cat/message/internal/Default*.class")
    into 'build/classes/java/main'
compileJava.dependsOn copyClass

but this is hard to explain it in Code-Review. is there a better way?

larsgrefer commented 1 year ago

in version 2.9.5, it is impossible to set the inpath for the plugin.

Why are you using such an old version?

Cryln commented 1 year ago

Cuz our project is based in JDK8 & Gradle 4.8, plugin-2.9.5 is the only version suitable