freemint / freemint

Unix-like kernel for Atari ST and compatible computers
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Include ping in bootable builds? #372

Open fdanapfel opened 3 weeks ago

fdanapfel commented 3 weeks ago

Would it be possible to include ping ( in the bootable builds of freemint?

Most of the other tools for configuring the network (ifconfig, route, netstat) are already included. but without ping it is difficult to verify that a configured network connection is actually working.

mikrosk commented 3 weeks ago

It's true it's useful and it's usually the first thing I download really downloading from that much of an obstacle that we should include the tool by default?

fdanapfel commented 3 weeks ago

The problem is not getting it downloaded, but then getting it onto the system where freemint is running. Which can be quite a hassle if you don't have an easy way to transfer files.

mikrosk commented 3 weeks ago

How did you get the freemint zip archive to the disk then? ;-)

th-otto commented 3 weeks ago

I think its not only a matter of getting the archive to the system. The package from vincent is a tar.bz2 archive, so you'll also need tar, bzip2 and a shell to unpack it.

Generally the bootable builds should not contain half of a full installation, but in this case it might make sense to include ping.