freezy / dmd-extensions

A toolbox for virtual pinball dot matrix displays.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Flex DMD not working in latest builds #386

Closed wiesshund closed 1 year ago

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

dmdext-2.2.0-PLUGINS-r11-x86-Release and dmdext-2.2.0-PLUGINS-r11-x64-Release

when a table script gets to the command to start flexDMD

it crashes Here the the crash message


rolled back to 2.1.3 R37 to compare No crash, works fine

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

2.2.0 Beta1 is also error free

If there is something i can do to help narrow down the cause, let me know

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

2.2.0 R9 through R11 have the issue I am not sure if i can roll back before R9, dont see the builds to try

freezy commented 1 year ago

Is there more in the Script Runtime Error box? A full stack trace would be nice. Maybe elsewhere in a log?

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

only what it shows and nothing in dmddevice log or flexdmd log appears to never get that far?

freezy commented 1 year ago

If it crashes then there should be a log. Any chance you could search for it in the vpinball folder? Sometimes it gets written in the tables folder or whatever the current working dir is.

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

Took a few tries


FlexDMD log

[1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.313  INFO | FlexDMD version 
 [1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.479  INFO | Render mode set to DMD_RGB 
 [1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.479  INFO | Game name set to bhol_ltd 
 [1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.487  INFO | Table File defined to LTD Black Hole.vpx 
 [1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.512  INFO | Show DMD 
 [1] 2023/06/27 15:16:34.690  INFO | Loaded dmddevice64.dll from C:\vpx\VPinMAME\dmddevice64.dll to create a virtual DMD

DMDDevice log

[1] 2023/06/27 15:30:05.557 ERROR | System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject(String ProgId, String ServerName)
   at B2S.B2SData.get_VPinMAME()
   at B2S.Server.get_Games(String gamename)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) 
 [2] 2023/06/27 15:30:05.809 ERROR | System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'PinMameDevice.DmdDevice' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentException: The path is not of a legal form.
   at System.IO.Path.LegacyNormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
   at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
   at System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(String path)
   at System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetFullPathWithAssert(String fileName)
   at System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(String fileName)
   at LibDmd.Common.PathUtil.GetAssemblyVersion(String& fullVersion, String& sha)
   at LibDmd.DmdDevice.DmdDevice..ctor(IConfiguration config)
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice.DeviceInstance..ctor()
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice.Close()
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.ShowDMD(Boolean show)
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.set_Run(Boolean value)
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.Finalize() 

Vpinball Log

2023-06-27 15:23:15.820 INFO  [8268] [PinTable::Play@2116] Starting Play mode [table: Black Hole, camera mode: 0]
2023-06-27 15:23:16.109 INFO  [8268] [PinTable::Play@2318] Compiling script
2023-06-27 15:23:16.112 INFO  [8268] [PinTable::Play@2362] Creating main window
2023-06-27 15:23:16.121 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1151] Initializing renderer (global states & resources)
2023-06-27 15:23:16.222 INFO  [8268] [EnvmapPrecalc@61] Computing environment map radiance
2023-06-27 15:23:16.584 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1198] Initializing inputs & implicit objects
2023-06-27 15:23:16.623 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1324] Initializing physics
2023-06-27 15:23:16.672 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1399] Initializing octree
2023-06-27 15:23:16.756 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'sidewood_h'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.756 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_2'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.761 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Bumper'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.762 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_defvert'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.764 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Lateral Hit Target'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.765 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'metal3'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.766 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Right_rail_brighter'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.770 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Instruction Card-EN'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.771 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'ballshadow'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.773 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'ScrewChromeSatin1inverted'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.787 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Apron'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.791 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DropTargetSimple-Red'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.792 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'LockdownBar'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.793 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'sling_kicker'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.794 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'black256'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.795 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DropTargetSimple-Yellow'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.795 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Left_rail_brighter'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.807 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Playfield'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.810 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'CustomWhiteTip'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.824 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DTBG'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.824 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_0'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.829 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Chrome Ball'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.853 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Plastics'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.859 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'spinner'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.860 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'JPBall_Chrome'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.860 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'MetalExitBall'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.860 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_1'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.860 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'JPBall-Scratches'
2023-06-27 15:23:16.861 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1485] Initializing renderer
2023-06-27 15:23:16.931 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1557] Starting script
2023-06-27 15:23:17.226 ERROR [8268] [CodeViewer::OnScriptError@1109] Script Error at line 1175 : The type initializer for 'PinMameDevice.DmdDevice' threw an exception.
2023-06-27 15:29:55.173 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1576] Prerendering static parts
2023-06-27 15:29:55.589 INFO  [8268] [Player::Init@1604] Startup done
2023-06-27 15:29:55.773 ERROR [8268] [CodeViewer::OnScriptError@1109] Script Error at line 190 : Cannot create ActiveX component.
2023-06-27 15:29:55.956 INFO  [8268] [PinTable::StopPlaying@2419] Ending Play mode [table: Black Hole]

I guess because i enabled logging i got a crash text, even though vpx didnt crash per se, just went back to edit screen.

`Crash report VPX rev1278 (13ba9da)

Process: VPinballX64.exe Reason: 0xC0000005 - EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0033:0000000140036C87 Attempt to write to 0x11778078 Thread ID: 0x204C [8268]

Call stack

0000000040036C87 (0x00000000 0x004A5850 0x00000000 0x00000000)


Date/time: 27/6/2023, 15:30:05:462 Number of CPUs: 4 Processor type: 8664 System: Windows 10 (10.0 22000)

Memory status

Total Reserved: 468304K (457M) bytes Total Commited: 671068K (655M) bytes Total Free: 3054868K (2983M) bytes Largest Free: 2056084K (2007M) bytes


RAX=00000000 RBX=11778070 RCX=FFFFFFFF RDX=004A5850 RSI=00000010 RDI=11778070 RBP=00000000 RSP=0014E020 RIP=40036C87 FLG=00010202 CS=0033 DS=002B SS=002B ES=002B FS=0053 GS=002B

Failed to save minidump. `

32 or 64 bit same results

Also flexDMDUI is unable to display any of the examples Not flex or UltraDMD

And this was tested in DMDDevice 2.2 r15

freezy commented 1 year ago

Thanks! It looks like the crash actually happened in B2S.Server. Could you

1) Post the entire DmdDevice.log, so I can see which version, bitness and other entries there are 2) Roughly describe how to reproduce?

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

this is the entire DMDDevice.log

[1] 2023/06/27 15:30:05.557 ERROR | System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Cannot create ActiveX component.
   at Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.CreateObject(String ProgId, String ServerName)
   at B2S.B2SData.get_VPinMAME()
   at B2S.Server.get_Games(String gamename)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod(Object target, Object[] arguments, Signature sig, Boolean constructor)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.UnsafeInvokeInternal(Object obj, Object[] parameters, Object[] arguments)
   at System.Reflection.RuntimeMethodInfo.Invoke(Object obj, BindingFlags invokeAttr, Binder binder, Object[] parameters, CultureInfo culture) 
 [2] 2023/06/27 15:30:05.809 ERROR | System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'PinMameDevice.DmdDevice' threw an exception. ---> System.ArgumentException: The path is not of a legal form.
   at System.IO.Path.LegacyNormalizePath(String path, Boolean fullCheck, Int32 maxPathLength, Boolean expandShortPaths)
   at System.IO.Path.GetFullPathInternal(String path)
   at System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(String path)
   at System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetFullPathWithAssert(String fileName)
   at System.Diagnostics.FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(String fileName)
   at LibDmd.Common.PathUtil.GetAssemblyVersion(String& fullVersion, String& sha)
   at LibDmd.DmdDevice.DmdDevice..ctor(IConfiguration config)
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice.DeviceInstance..ctor()
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice..cctor()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at PinMameDevice.DmdDevice.Close()
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.ShowDMD(Boolean show)
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.set_Run(Boolean value)
   at FlexDMD.FlexDMD.Finalize() 

B2S Server is disabled

To reproduce Take a FlexDMD table. I used this one because it is a simple DMD and no external assets ROM File

simply enable to option in the table script to use flexDMD launch table crashes back to editor with error i reported.

revert to 2.2.0 Beta1 and no issues.

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

Anything else i can provide?

freezy commented 1 year ago

No, I'll try to reproduce later. I've just pushed a potential fix though, if you could have a look when it's built that'd be great.

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

I will throw the hamsters a carrot and some corn

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

Ok 32bit seems to work now

64 bit does not but now does something different seems to kill vpinmame? but the DMD does start


DMDDevice log

 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Starting VPinMAME API 2.2.0-PLUGINS-r16 (ec4479a) through VPinballX64.exe. 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Assembly located at C:\vpx\VPinMAME\dmddevice64.dll 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Running in C:\vpx\Tables 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | [dll] Create(): New output id is 1 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | [dll] Open(1) 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | [dll] PM_GameSettings(1, bhol_ltd, 0) 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Disabling game colorization 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Setting game name: bhol_ltd 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.749  INFO | Setting color: #FFFF5820 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.764  INFO | Opening virtual display... 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.921  INFO | Added VirtualDMD renderer. 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.921  INFO | Transformation options: Resize=Fit, HFlip=False, VFlip=False 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.921  INFO | Applying default color to render graphs (#FFFF5820). 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.957  INFO | Setting up 2-bit Passthrough Graph for 1 destination(s) [ Virtual DMD ] 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.968  INFO |   -> Connecting DmdDevice 2-bit Source to Virtual DMD (Gray2 => Gray2) 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.986  INFO | Setting up 4-bit Passthrough Graph for 1 destination(s) [ Virtual DMD ] 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.986  INFO |   -> Connecting DmdDevice 4-bit Source to Virtual DMD (Gray4 => Gray4) 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.986  INFO | Setting up RGB24 Passthrough Graph for 1 destination(s) [ Virtual DMD ] 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.986  INFO |   -> Connecting DmdDevice RGB24 Source to Virtual DMD (Rgb24 => Rgb24) 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:18.986  INFO | Setting up Alphanumeric Passthrough Graph for 1 destination(s) [ Virtual DMD ] 
[18] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.104  INFO | Creating FBOs for 128x32 

FlexDMD log

 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.856  INFO | FlexDMD version 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.939  INFO | Render mode set to DMD_RGB 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.939  INFO | Game name set to bhol_ltd 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.939  INFO | Table File defined to LTD Black Hole.vpx 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.939  INFO | Show DMD 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:13.956  INFO | Loaded dmddevice64.dll from C:\vpx\VPinMAME\dmddevice64.dll to create a virtual DMD 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.168  INFO | dmdscreen64.dll was not loaded since it is not available from C:\vpx\VPinMAME\dmdscreen64.dll 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.169  INFO | Starting render thread for game 'bhol_ltd' using render mode DMD_RGB 
[17] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.169  INFO | RenderThread start 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.191  INFO | Bitmap added to 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.295  INFO | Path for resolving VPX embedded ressources defined to 'FlexDMD.VPXFile' 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.295  INFO | Bitmap added to cache:VPX.bholeDMD 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.335  INFO | Font added to cache:FlexDMD.Resources.udmd-f5by7.fnt&tint=FF00FF00&border_size=0&border_tint=FFFF0000 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.345  INFO | Font added to cache:FlexDMD.Resources.teeny_tiny_pixls-5.fnt&tint=FFFFFF00&border_size=0&border_tint=FF0000FF 
 [1] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.345  INFO | Bitmap added to cache:VPX.black128 
[17] 2023/06/27 16:44:19.764  WARN | Abnormally long elapsed time between frames of 0.5777462s (rendering lasted 577.746ms, sleeping was 0ms), limiting to 66ms 
[17] 2023/06/27 16:44:42.363  WARN | Abnormally long elapsed time between frames of 0.094959s (rendering lasted 94.9587ms, sleeping was 0ms), limiting to 66ms 

VPX log but no longer triggers a crash dump

2023-06-27 16:47:55.831 INFO  [13224] [PinTable::Play@2116] Starting Play mode [table: Black Hole, camera mode: 0]
2023-06-27 16:47:56.127 INFO  [13224] [PinTable::Play@2318] Compiling script
2023-06-27 16:47:56.131 INFO  [13224] [PinTable::Play@2362] Creating main window
2023-06-27 16:47:56.140 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1151] Initializing renderer (global states & resources)
2023-06-27 16:47:56.245 INFO  [13224] [EnvmapPrecalc@61] Computing environment map radiance
2023-06-27 16:47:56.648 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1198] Initializing inputs & implicit objects
2023-06-27 16:47:56.685 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1324] Initializing physics
2023-06-27 16:47:56.727 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1399] Initializing octree
2023-06-27 16:47:56.800 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'black256'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.801 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DropTargetSimple-Yellow'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.803 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_4'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.805 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'ScrewChromeSatin1inverted'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.806 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'sidewood_h'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.808 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'LockdownBar'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.813 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'spinner'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.814 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'sling_kicker'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.814 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_3'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.818 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Instruction Card-EN'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.818 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_1'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.821 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'JPBall_Chrome'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.832 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Plastics'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.833 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'MetalExitBall'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.833 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DropTargetSimple-Red'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.834 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Right_rail_brighter'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.839 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Chrome Ball'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.839 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'JPBall-Scratches'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.840 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'metal3'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.840 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'ballshadow'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.856 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Playfield'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.868 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Apron'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.868 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Lateral Hit Target'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.887 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'DTBG'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.887 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_5'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.887 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_defvert'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.887 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_2'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.888 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'CustomWhiteTip'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.889 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Left_rail_brighter'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.889 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: '_ColorGrade_0'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.891 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1468] Texture preloading: 'Bumper'
2023-06-27 16:47:56.891 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1485] Initializing renderer
2023-06-27 16:47:56.954 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1557] Starting script
2023-06-27 16:47:58.535 ERROR [13224] [CodeViewer::OnScriptError@1109] Script Error at line 115 : Cannot create ActiveX component.
2023-06-27 16:48:01.327 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1576] Prerendering static parts
2023-06-27 16:48:01.694 INFO  [13224] [Player::Init@1604] Startup done
2023-06-27 16:48:01.825 ERROR [13224] [CodeViewer::OnScriptError@1109] Script Error at line 190 : Cannot create ActiveX component.
2023-06-27 16:48:01.977 INFO  [13224] [PinTable::StopPlaying@2419] Ending Play mode [table: Black Hole]
2023-06-27 16:48:05.189 INFO  [13224] [WinMain@848] Closing VPX...
wiesshund commented 1 year ago

hold off on that a sec, let me make sure i am placing blame in the right spot

wiesshund commented 1 year ago

Ok disregard 64bit My fault, i left something disconnected so to speak from testing previously when going back and forth testing each bit platform

freezy commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for the debugging help. I'll close this one then.

wiesshund commented 1 year ago