fresh2dev / zellij.vim

Vim plugin for integration with Zellij.
MIT License
29 stars 1 forks source link
neovim-plugin vim-plugin


Seamlessly navigate through Vim / Neovim and Zellij using this Vim plugin ( zellij.vim ) paired with the Zellij plugin zellij-autolock.

It works by using the same mapping -- Ctrl + h/j/k/l by default -- to navigate through Vim windows and Zellij panes. When already at the edge of a Vim instance, focus is moved to the neighboring Zellij pane.

In addition to providing the commands and mappings, this plugin will defines autocmds to put ZelliJ into "locked" mode on VimEnter and "normal" mode on VimLeave. This Vim plugin relies on the Zellij plugin zellij-autolock to provide a seamless experience. With both of these plugins installed, Zellij will toggle its "locked" mode depending on whether the focused pane is running [neo]vim. When in "locked" mode, Zellij keybindings will not interfere with Vim keybindings.


Here is a demonstration of how you can seamlessly navigate through Zellij panes running Vim, Neovim, and even other commands like FZF.

Open full screen demo recording.

Notice how the Zellij mode ( "Normal" or "Locked" in the top-right corner ) automatically toggles depending which process is running within the focused Zellij pane. This allows you to use the same mappings (Ctrl+h/j/k/l) to navigate between Zellij panes, Vim windows, and even FZF results.



Plug ''


  lazy = false,



This plugin creates the following commands for navigation:

Add a bang (!) to move to neighboring ZelliJ panes or tabs.

Additional commands are included to allow opening a new Zellij pane while preserving Vim's working directory:

The ZellijNewPane... commands can also invoke a command in the new pane, e.g.:

:ZellijNewPaneVSplit git log --graph --oneline


This plugin maps Ctrl + h/j/k/l for navigation.

You can modify the default mappings to move panes or tabs with:

let g:zelli_navigator_move_focus_or_tab = 1

Or, disable the default mappings with:

let g:zellij_navigator_no_default_mappings = 1

For reference, these are the default mappings:

nnoremap <silent> <C-h> :ZellijNavigateLeft<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-j> :ZellijNavigateDown<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-k> :ZellijNavigateUp<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :ZellijNavigateRight<CR>

There are no default mappings for the ZellijNewPane... commands. If desired, define these yourself. This is what I use:

" Open ZelliJ floating pane.
nnoremap <leader>zjf :ZellijNewPane<CR>
" Open ZelliJ pane below.
nnoremap <leader>zjo :ZellijNewPaneSplit<CR>
" Open ZelliJ pane to the right.
nnoremap <leader>zjv :ZellijNewPaneVSplit<CR>

" Run command in new ZelliJ floating pane.
nnoremap <leader>zjrf :execute 'ZellijNewPane ' . input('Command: ')<CR>
" Run command in new ZelliJ pane below.
nnoremap <leader>zjro :execute 'ZellijNewPaneSplit ' . input('Command: ')<CR>
" Run command in new ZelliJ pane to the right.
nnoremap <leader>zjrv :execute 'ZellijNewPaneVSplit ' . input('Command: ')<CR>


This plugin was built to be paired with the Zellij plugin zellij-autolock. By design, this plugin will define autocommands to lock Zellij on VimEnter and unlock on VimLeave. If you don't desire this behavior, define this variable to disable autolocking:

let g:zellij_navigator_disable_autolock = 1

Even without this plugin, you can control Zellij by calling the Zellij CLI from within Vim. For example, here's a Vim autocommand which names the current Zellij tab after Vim's current working directory (an excerpt from my dotfiles):

autocmd DirChanged,BufEnter *
    \ if &buftype == '' |
    \ call system('zellij action rename-tab "' . fnamemodify(getcwd(), ':t') . '"') |
    \ endif
