frida / frida-python

Frida Python bindings
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Module.enumerateSymbolsSync works perfectly in linux but not giving any output in windows #202

Open vishwaraj101 opened 2 years ago

vishwaraj101 commented 2 years ago

Trying to injection below script in a binary named yolo.exe to get the address of the function lol but unable to get any output.

js = """ // Maximum payload size var size = 2000;

// Argument for the fuzzed function var arg = Memory.alloc(size); var fuzzData = [0x41]; var lolAddr = null; var lolHandle = null;

// Find the vulnerable function in the target process // and get a handle to it Module.enumerateSymbolsSync("yolo").forEach(function(symbol){ switch ( { case "lol": lolAddr = symbol.address; // use the function prototype to create a handle lolHandle = new NativeFunction(ptr(lolAddr), "void", ["pointer"]); console.log("[i] lol() is at " + lolAddr); } }); """