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Value Contains HTML & Unable To Use deleteMatch Prop #136

Open JavaGuru-J opened 3 years ago

JavaGuru-J commented 3 years ago


I have some questions to understand the concept better.

1) The value contains HTML elements. Is there way to get a plain text by using <div contenteditable />? I cannot use textarea, because I won't be able to give style to the tagged user in the text.

Here is how it looks like when I log the variable:

Screenshot 2021-05-20 at 5 07 11 PM

Due to HTML elements, I am unable to store the value in DB. What kind of approach should I take to store the text that user writes?

2) I am unable to set deleteMatch. My function never gets called when a tagged user is removed from the text. Is there something I am missing?

                <span slot="embeddedItem" slot-scope="s">
                    <span class="tag">@{{ s.current.fullName }}</span>

                <template slot="item" slot-scope="s">
                    <span>{{ s.item.fullName }}</span>

                <div contenteditable />


members: [
                id: '111',
                email: '',
                fullName: 'Lorem Ipsum'
                id: '222',
                email: '',
                fullName: 'Sit Dolor'


deleteTaggedUser(name, chunk, suffix) {
            // Function doesn't get called.
            console.log(name, chunk, suffix);

            return chunk === name + suffix;
taggedUser(selectedUser) {
            if (selectedUser) {

Let me know if you need more info. Thanks!

cc: @fritx

jggj21 commented 2 years ago

In my case I managed to solve it in this way: <div class="editor el-textarea__inner" data-text="Add To Conversation" style="height: 58px;" contenteditable></div>

let textContent = document.querySelector(".editor").textContent;

I don't know if this is the right thing to do