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embed protoboard with arduino #1811

Open davidperrenoud opened 10 years ago

davidperrenoud commented 10 years ago

From on February 01, 2012 04:53:51

Original issue:

failiz commented 3 years ago

Not sure what the issue is, the link is not available.

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

Set the mini breadboard on top of the shield, to enable similar prototyping. image

Extract from the forum database:

I had a thought today as I was designing an Arduino shield for my own use, using an "official" Arduino ProtoShield (I prefer those because they have a nice area for a DIP IC).  Wouldn't it be cool if you could build your breadboard circuit on one of those... that way you could produce a "real" PCB easily when you are done...

...and even further on that wishlist, the ability to add a second (or third...) protoshield and stack them pin to pin, for those circuits that don't fit on one shield...

Has anybody already done this? 

Thanks J.... What I was getting at was the ability to use the protoshield without a breadboard... kind of like how a stripboard is an alternate option to a breadboard.  The "official" Arduino protoshield ( has an area to the lower left with a 20 pin DIP area where each pin has three holes connected together with a trace (and two busses running down the inside).  There is also a SMT area at the top left.  My end game would be to be able to mimic a circuit on this shield that is built in real life, including using the DIP area at the lower left, and even possibly using the SMT area at the upper left... and then taking that prototype and going to the PCB view and designing a permanent board.