fritzing / fritzing-app

Fritzing desktop application
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Option to create a PR for new parts within Fritzing #3064

Open aquilanorica opened 9 years ago

aquilanorica commented 9 years ago

Hello fritzing team,

it would be a nice feature being able to upload sketches or parts to github for contribution right from the fritzing app such as "publish online". Is there a recommended way or description to do so?

Thanks for your good work.

Keep on going.


failiz commented 3 years ago

duplicate of #3752 and #835?

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

Yes, uploading sketches is #3752 and uploading parts is #835 . However, #835 only looks at the github toolchain. A huge number of users are not familiar with github, so they just upload parts to the forum, where they are eventually found or even kind of verified. I'll change this ticket to be about providing a way of easily creating a PR from a new part within Fritzing.

KjellMorgenstern commented 3 years ago

Add an option to the parts editor to create a pull request