fritzing / fritzing-parts

Electronic components for use in the Fritzing app (aka the parts library)
506 stars 360 forks source link

Neue Teile: Gabellichtschranke, Arduino Sensor Board, Getriebemotor #218

Open coderfls opened 5 years ago

coderfls commented 5 years ago

Ich habe echt keinen Bock, mich mit dem schlechten Service von Fritzing rumzuärgern oder gar irgendwas mit Github anzustellen, um vielleicht irgendwie nach Stunden eine Gabel (Fork) zu haben, die ich dann in den Misthaufen stecken kann.

Also hier meine Bauteile, macht was mit, wenn ihr wollt oder sucht euch neue Freunde.

Und dann allein schon das Unding, daß man den Dateisuffix manipulieren muß - KOTZ

Arduino Sensor Shield

sensor_shield gabellichtschranke getriebemotor

vanepp commented 5 years ago

Using google translate to read your original message, it looks like you have as many problems as I do using github. The file suffix is because github doesn't recognize .fzpz files and the repository is expecting the files in the alternate repository format to .fzpz. I'm working on the parts checking script to automate that, but it isn't done yet. In the mean time I'm working on cleaning up the Sensor shield part (which has some problems) and then will do the other two parts. Since I have the same motor above sitting in front of me and it looks like you are using an encoder, you may be interested in buying a couple of these motors from ebay. The motor is low torque junk and the encoder pcb is poor quality but the encoder is an active output quadrature that runs at at least 200khz on either 3.3V or 5V and the 334 segment encoder disk can be removed from the motor and attached with a M2 screw to one of the shafts of the above motor to give you both speed and direction from the encoder. The only equivalent part I know of is the Honeywell HOA0901-011 which is now obsolete and $20 ea on ebay (without the encoder disk). $2.50 is a lot cheaper.

It isn't clear what VCC for the sensor should be, so I use 3.3V even though it seems to run fine on 5V. At some point I will make a Fritzing part and board to mount the sensor removed from the board on the motor but I haven't done so yet.


vanepp commented 5 years ago

OK, finally done. Here are the three corrected fzpz files, if they look OK to you I will submit them in a pull request for core parts. All three have been upgraded to meet the graphics standards and have all three views (breadboard, schematic and pcb) present. For the Arduino sensor board I corrected the bus definitions (which were likely from the original part), so if you click on a pin, all the other pins that are connected also light in yellow. The descriptions that appear when a pin is hovered over are set to match the pcb designations (although the servo connections for AREF and GND are I'm pretty sure useless!). As before you need to remove the .zip ending to leave only the .fzpz to load them in to Fritzing.

KjellMorgenstern commented 5 years ago

@vanepp Thanks again for your great work! If you think those parts (or any other) should be officially included, let me know and I'll create a pull request.

coderfls commented 5 years ago

Thank you.

if they look OK to you I will submit them in a pull request for core parts. do it

Attached another parts Passive Switch with Pull-Up and

vanepp commented 5 years ago

OK here are the latest two ready for core. I changed the names to be their model numbers. Again remove the .zip to leave the .fzpz file to load them in to Fritzing.

@KjellMorgenstern : I'll try a pull request, I think it should work now I've managed to sync my parts fork to develop, if not I'll ask for help. I expect using it is the only way I'm going to get better at using github.
