frontline-hq / sveltekit-i18n

A repository to easily handle content and localization in SvelteKit
MIT License
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SvelteKit I18n

A library to easily handle content and localization in SvelteKit.

The detection of locales in the url is based on the list provided by unicode in their github repo:


  1. Clone the git repo
  2. yarn or npm install
  3. Make shell scripts executable: chmod u+x *.sh
  4. (Optional) Build the package and copy bundle to node_modules for testing purposes: ./

With the last step you will be able to test the package in a real live scenario.


yarn add @frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n


npm install @frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n


0 - Install other necessary packages:

yarn add --dev @mdx-js/rollup @frontline-hq/recma-sections @frontline-hq/rollup-merge-import


npm install --save-dev @mdx-js/rollup @frontline-hq/recma-sections @frontline-hq/rollup-merge-import

1 - Adjust your vite config to include an mdx loader that supports sections and our rollup plugin for "merge imports":

// vite.config.ts

import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite';
import type { UserConfig } from 'vite';
import mdx from '@mdx-js/rollup';
import recmaSection from '@frontline-hq/recma-sections';
import rollupMergeImport from '@frontline-hq/rollup-merge-import';
import { rollupI18N } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

function getComment(comment: string) {
    return comment
        ? comment.trim().startsWith('c:')
            ? comment.trim().slice(2)
            : undefined
        : undefined;

const config: UserConfig = {
    plugins: [
            jsxImportSource: 'preact',
            recmaPlugins: [[recmaSection, { getComment: getComment }]]
    test: {
        include: ['src/**/*.{test,spec}.{js,ts}']

export default config;

2 - Setup your locale matching in src/params/lang.ts to return only the correct locales. This will make sure that the locales within the url of your webapp have to match the array you specified. If a user wants to visit a page on a non-specified locale, this will return an error.

export { match } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

3 - Wrap your app with the LangRouter svelte component on the root +layout.svelte component to enable automatic route correction based on the users preferences:


<script lang="ts">
    import { LangRouter } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

    <slot />


This package populates the data returned from a layout's or page's load() function to contain the corresponding mdx files contents.

It exposes seven exports and one svelte store with three properties:

// init(), a function to populate your pages data with contents (callable in page / layout load() function)
export async function init({
    lang, // Current page lang, pass from load() params
    pathname, // Current page pathname, pass from load() params
    pathDel = '_', // Delimiter with which fs paths are split upon merge-import
    layout = true, // Should layout data also be populated?
    page // Should page data be populated?
}: {
    lang: string | undefined;
    pathname: string;
    pathDel?: string;
    layout?: boolean;
    page?: boolean;
}): Record<string, unknown> {

/** i18n, a svelte store that has the following properties:
 * get(), a function to retrieve populated paths for content
 * Takes an id as param.
 * - For page data this param should be the lodash path for accessing the mdx files named export directly
 * - For layout data, this param still has to include the path (with "_" delimiters) with "_layout" at the end, since there can be multiple layout files applicable to one page / layout
 * returns the requested piece of data.
 * lang, a variable that contains the currently active lang.
 * Falls back to default lang, if route does not contain a lang.
 * redirect(), corrects the route based on the users preferences
const i18n: Readable<{
    get: (id: string, pathDel?: string) => any;
    lang: string;
    redirect: () => Promise<void>;

/*  setLangPref(), sets the users lang preference in localstorage (and redirects afterwards).
export function setLangPref(lang: string) {}

/* getLangPref(), returns the users language preference based on browser settings and localstorage (localstorage takes precedence)
export function getLangPref(lang: string) {}

/*  match(), the matcher function required by sveltekit in the /params/lang.ts file.
export function match() {


/* rollupI18NPlugin(), the rollup plugin that amongst other things also reads the i18n config file and exposes it to this i18n library for usage.
export function rollupI18N() {


/* Wrapper component to wrap your sveltekit app with that automatically corrects the route based on the users lang preferences.
export class LangRouter //...

// Default export. Same options, but returns a svelte component that directly renders the requested piece of information (utilizing preact)
export default //...

Let's consider the following folder structure for the following explanations:

            page.mdx (export both "default" and "one")

Retrieve page contents

We'll go through some scenarios to understand page exports:

1 - Display default export and log named export key from page.mdx in page /en/folder1:

Populate contents with the init function in load():

// code of .../folder1/+page.ts
import type { PageLoad } from './$types';
import { init } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

export const load = (async ({ params: { lang }, url: { pathname } }) => {
    const contents = await init({ lang, pathname });
    return { contents };
}) satisfies PageLoad;

... and use the contents within the page:

<script lang=ts>
    // code of .../folder1/+page.svelte
    import Content, { i18n } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

<Content id="default">

2 - Display default export from page.mdx in page /en/:

Populate contents with the init function in load():

// code of .../+page.ts
import type { PageLoad } from './$types';
import { init } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

export const load = (async ({ params: { lang }, url: { pathname } }) => {
    const contents = await init({ lang, pathname });
    return { contents };
}) satisfies PageLoad;

... and use the contents within the page:

<script lang=ts>
    // code of .../+page.svelte
    import Content from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

<Content id="default">

I think you can see a pattern arising here now.

Retrieve layout contents

Layout contents are the contents for +layout.svelte pages. They also inherit the contents that their ancestors receive from the /src/contents directory.

1 - Display default exports from both layout.mdx in layout /en/folder1/layout and /en/layout:

Populate contents with the init function in load():

// code of .../folder1/+layout.ts
import type { LayoutLoad } from './$types';
import { init } from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

export const load = (async ({ params: { lang }, url: { pathname } }) => {
    const contents = await init({ lang, pathname });
    return { contents };
}) satisfies LayoutLoad;

... and use the contents within the layout:

<script lang=ts>
    // code of .../folder1/+layout.svelte
    import Content from '@frontline-hq/sveltekit-i18n';

<!-- This layout inherits the contents from .../+layout.svelte! -->
<Content id="folder1_layout.default">
<Content id="layout.default">
