fslaborg / Graphoscope

A pragmatic approach to network science.
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Implement Watts-Strogatz Model for Small-World Networks #44

Closed LibraChris closed 1 year ago

LibraChris commented 1 year ago


The Watts-Strogatz model, introduced by Duncan J. Watts and Steven Strogatz in 1998, is a fundamental concept in network science and complex systems. It allows us to simulate and understand small-world networks, which possess unique characteristics including high local clustering and short average path lengths between nodes.

Problem Statement:

We need to implement the Watts-Strogatz model to create small-world networks within our project. This model will be invaluable for studying network structures in various applications such as social networks, transportation systems, and more.

Expected Behavior:

Create a regular lattice network as the starting point.

Implement a random rewiring process with a parameter 'p' to introduce randomness. Ensure that, as 'p' varies from 0 to 1, the network transitions from a regular lattice to a small-world network with shorter average path lengths while maintaining high local clustering.

Acceptance Criteria:

Additional Information:

The Watts-Strogatz model has wide-ranging applications in fields such as sociology, epidemiology, and network analysis. Implementing this model will enhance our project's capability to simulate and analyze complex systems and networks.


HarryMcCarney commented 1 year ago
