Branch version1 is the code for the article "Gene-regulation modules in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease revealed by single-nucleus ATAC-seq."
Files are in R Markdown/Notebook (.Rmd) format.
They are named 1, 2, ... in the order of execution.
I recommend using RStudio for editing and running.
Questions? Please submit to GitHub Issues or e-mail fumihiko AT takeuchi DOT name
Data download
Animal ID and experimental condition
- See fields
, age
and treatment
for each biosample
(BioProject PRJDB13870)
Use case 1: Raw data. Not recommended because the data cleaning takes a few days.
- single-nucleus ATAC-seq
- BAM files produced by Cell Ranger are available from DDBJ
(DRA DRA014511 within BioProject PRJDB13870)
- Start by running
- bulk ATAC-seq
- FASTQ files are available from DDBJ
(DRA DRA014458 within BioProject PRJDB13870)
- I used the ATAC-seq data processing workflow by
Reske et al.
Use case 2: Datasets after cleaning
- single-nucleus ATAC-seq
- ArchR project files (*.zip; unzip before use) are available from
- Start by running
and then 4_LSI_and_clustering_of_tile_matrix.Rmd
- bulk ATAC-seq
- BAM files (.bam .bai) are available from
- The data is analyzed in
Use case 3: Generate tables & figures in manuscript
- Run Use case 2.
- 5_LSI_and_clustering_of_peak_matrix.Rmd >
Clustering with taylored parameter >
Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP)
- 6_cell_type_composition.Rmd >
Refine and inspect cell type composition of bulk samples >
Cross check, bulk vs snATAC-seq
- 6_cell_type_composition.Rmd >
Refine and inspect cell type composition of bulk samples >
Test difference and plot cell type composition
- 7_GeneScoreMatrix.Rmd >
- 7_GeneScoreMatrix.Rmd >
Compare between conditions
- 7_GeneScoreMatrix.Rmd >
Cross-check with bulk differential gene expression experiments
- 9_GSEA.Rmd >
Summarize results across tgt/bgd combinations
- Fig.2 (The R code outputs result for each gene set. The heatmap was drawn using Excel.)
- 10_GRN.Rmd >
Multiple motifs-to-one gene analysis >
Nonnegative matrix factorization of regulator-regulatee matrix
- Fig.3A, Fig.4A, Fig.5A, Fig.6A
- 10_GRN.Rmd >
Multiple motifs-to-one gene analysis >
Hyperparameters for the discovery of factors (modules) of TF regulation
- 10_GRN.Rmd >
Multiple motifs-to-one gene analysis >
Inspect enriched gene sets
- Fig.3B, Fig.4B, Fig.5B, Fig.6B
- 10_GRN.Rmd >
Activity score and co-regulation of a gene set >
Compute gene set activity score
- Fig.7 (top panel), Fig.S2 (top panel)
- 10_GRN.Rmd >
Activity score and co-regulation of a gene set >
Core genes as those central in co-regulation and protein-protein interaction
- Fig.7 (middle & bottom panels), Fig.S2 (middle & bottom panels)
Please cite
Takeuchi, F. et al., Gene-regulation modules in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease revealed by single-nucleus ATAC-seq, DOI: 10.26508/lsa.202301988
Takeuchi, F. et al., Single-nucleus ATAC-seq elucidates major modules of gene regulation in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, DOI: 10.1101/2022.07.12.499681 (old manuscripts)