fusioncharts / angularjs-fusioncharts

AngularJS Directive for FusionCharts JavaScript Charting Library (for Angular 1.x)
MIT License
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How Can I send a data from a chart to another chart? #48

Open Dayranna opened 6 years ago

Dayranna commented 6 years ago

ok, My english is not so good... I have a problem I want have several charts in a one page, I'm new in this, por I want that the usser give click in a chart's piece and generate me other chart about this information. I try to show the specific data from one state. I append my code: `(function () {

 * subjectsModule Module
 * Description
angular.module('infoSubjectModule', ["ng-fusioncharts"])
    .directive('infoSubjectsDirective', function () {
        //Return the directive
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            replace: true,
            templateUrl: 'html/subjects/info.html',
            controller: 'infoSubjectsController'

    .controller('infoSubjectsController', function ($scope, $mdSidenav, $routeParams, $mdSidenav, $location, $route, $rootScope, $window, $filter, $mdToast, subjectsService,usersService, themesService) {

      $scope.myDataSource = {};

usersService.getAllState() .then(function(response){ console.log(response) $scope.stateGraficas={}; $scope.stateGraficas = response.map(function(array){ return { label : array.State, value : array.Pendientes };



$scope.stateGraficas =JSON.stringify( $scope.stateGraficas) console.log(JSON.parse( $scope.stateGraficas)) $scope.myDataSource = { chart: { caption: "States", subcaption: "2018", startingangle: "120", showlabels: "0", showlegend: "1", enablemultislicing: "0", slicingdistance: "15", showpercentvalues: "1", showpercentintooltip: "0", plottooltext: "Age group : $label Total visit : $datavalue", theme: "fint" }, data : JSON.parse( $scope.stateGraficas)

} }) console.log($scope.myDataSource)

usersService.getAllDistrit() .then(function(response){ console.log(response) $scope.distritGraficas={}; $scope.distritGraficas = response.map(function(array){ return { label : array.Distrit, value : array.Complete }; }) console.log($scope.distritGraficas)

$scope.distritGraficas =JSON.stringify($scope.distritGraficas) console.log(JSON.parse( $scope.distritGraficas)) $scope.myDataSource2 = { chart: { caption: "Distrits", subcaption: "2018", startingangle: "120", showlabels: "0", showlegend: "1", enablemultislicing: "0", slicingdistance: "15", showpercentvalues: "1", showpercentintooltip: "0", plottooltext: "Age group : $label Total visit : $datavalue", theme: "fint" }, data : JSON.parse( $scope.distritGraficas) } }) console.log($scope.myDataSource2) })() ` Please I new