ga-wdi-boston / js-array-iteration-methods

JavaScript Array methods
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More conscious scaffolding of concepts #40

Open benjimelito opened 7 years ago

benjimelito commented 7 years ago

I noticed that a large number of developers felt lost on the diagnostic for this topic, and many of them requested 1:1s to go over it. A lot of the feedback that I received seemed to suggest that they were confused by the introduction of callbacks, anonymous functions, array iteration methods, and arrow functions all at once. I feel that it might be beneficial to either introduce some of these concepts earlier, or to more consciously/slowly scaffold them in the delivery itself.

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

I think the main problem is much of this is in @gaand 's head, and it needs to not be. We need to solve this before next iteration.

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

The more I think about it, the more I think there should be ~4 sections to the iterations methods talk. 1) what are some examples 2) what is that thing we're passing to them? (a callback) 3) what is a fat arrow function, and can we also pass those to functions? (yes) 4) how do these functions actually work?

gaand commented 7 years ago

No. This should be covered before array iteration methods. I thought it was in function ins and outs (accept arrow functions).

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

Aye. That is true. Maybe just 1 and 4, then?

gaand commented 7 years ago

Please consider my comment in slack:

If you're going to suggest adding to material we currently present, please tell me what you intend to remove to make room.

This is not push back.

benjimelito commented 7 years ago

From my very limited experience, it seems like comparing an anonymous function passed as a callback (to an array iteration method) to a named function passed as a callback was helpful to the developers, as was comparing an arrow function to a standard function.

With respect to what @gaand said regarding taking something out in order to include these additions, I don't have anything specific, but I would say that in general I feel it's more important that they understand the concept of an array iteration method than that they know a large number of these methods. In other words, maybe cover fewer methods?

(edit) Though I suppose 'comparing an anonymous function passed as a callback to a named function passed as a callback' would fall more under the scope of functions ins and outs.

payne-chris-r commented 7 years ago

Yeah Ben, I think that's what @gaand is suggesting. I don't think anyone is questioning that this could've been better covered, we're just trying to figure out where it belongs, and where the gaps are. This type of thing should be covered in js-functions-arrays-ins-and-outs. I've added it there and linking here: