ga-wdi-boston / orientation

Instructions for students beginning General Assembly's WDI program in Boston
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Bash should not be closed with quit or the `x` we should set up bash to close after ctrl-d processes close #253

Open MicFin opened 7 years ago

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Closing bash via the X or quit will at times leave processes like rails spring running. We should adjust installfest to set up bash so it will close after the ctrl-D command is used to end processes. Refer questions about how to best implement this into the workflow/installfest to @gaand

MicFin commented 7 years ago

Here's an example of a developer running into this issue.

Hi All, sharing is caring again. I was getting a strange error in rails server showing 'exiting' and that it was already in-use. I wasn't able to "quit" those instances (hidden) but Tony suggested I open Activity Monitor, find instances of ruby, and individually Force Quit. Back working after those actions. Thank you, Tony!