ga-wdi-exercises / project1

[project] GA- Project 1
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issue with returning a value from a function #221

Closed maureenv closed 8 years ago

maureenv commented 8 years ago

I am trying to return the value of the letter on the card that I click on in my memory game. Here is the code snippet that I am referring to:


} // close for loop
var cardLetter;

var game=function(x){
  var value=document.getElementsByClassName("cardsBack");
  cardLetter = value[x].textContent; // this returns only the text on the card
  return cardLetter;


Every time I console.log(cardLetter), it tells me "undefined" in the console. I'm not sure why it is undefined because I declared the card letter variable outside of the function. If I declare the cardLetter variable inside the game function and then console.log it inside the function, it will tell me the letter of the card I click on. However, I want to use the letter on the card in another function. Is there a way to do this?

My repo link is I'm referring to lines 54 to 62.

Thank you

amaseda commented 8 years ago

Have you triggered the event listener prior to running console.log(cardLetter)? If not, that statement is going to return undefined because game() has not been run yet.