gabesoft / vim-ags

Silver searcher plugin for vim
183 stars 12 forks source link
plugin search silver-searcher vim
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Silver searcher (AG) plugin for Vim

A Vim plugin for the silver searcher or ripgrep that focuses on
clear display and easy navigation of the search results


Install via pathogen, vundle, plug or copy to the Vim directory
The ag or rg executable must be installed as well.


See the docs or press u (for usage) while in the search results window.

Using ripgrep instead of ag

Despite the name vim-ags works with ripgrep as well if configured as below:

let g:ags_agexe = 'rg'

let g:ags_agargs = {
  \ '--column'         : ['', ''],
  \ '--line-number'    : ['', ''],
  \ '--context'        : ['g:ags_agcontext', '-C'],
  \ '--max-count'      : ['g:ags_agmaxcount', ''],
  \ '--heading'        : ['',''],
  \ '--smart-case'     : ['','-S'],
  \ '--color'          : ['always',''],
  \ '--colors'         : [['match:fg:green', 'match:bg:black', 'match:style:nobold', 'path:fg:red', 'path:style:bold', 'line:fg:black', 'line:style:bold'] ,''],
  \ }

Sample Shortcut Mappings

" Search for the word under cursor
nnoremap <Leader>s :Ags<Space><C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>
" Search for the visually selected text
vnoremap <Leader>s y:Ags<Space><C-R>='"' . escape(@", '"*?()[]{}.') . '"'<CR><CR>
" Run Ags
nnoremap <Leader>a :Ags<Space>
" Quit Ags
nnoremap <Leader><Leader>a :AgsQuit<CR>


Works with ag version >= 0.29.1 or ripgrep >= 11.0.2


Here are a couple of screenshots of the search results window

View mode (with lightline integration)

Edit mode

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