gablau / node-red-contrib-blynk-ws

Old/Legacy Blynk library implementation for Node-RED using WebSockets
MIT License
31 stars 10 forks source link

Help: command does not execute on microcontroller #22

Closed iskoch01 closed 4 years ago

iskoch01 commented 4 years ago

I am controlling a micro-controller with Node-Red via Blynk. When I send 0, it should turn it on. The button in the app responds correctly. Using a different library, the identical message works.

Turning on debug mode, I note the following writes:

29 May 09:05:30 - [info] [blynk-ws-client:Attic Fan] virtualWrite: -> ["vw","1","0"] 29 May 09:05:33 - [info] [blynk-ws-client:Attic Fan] writeEvent: -> cmd {"type":20,"typeString":"HW","msgId":111,"len":6,"msgLength":11,"body":"vw\u00001\u00000","operation":"vw","pin":"1","value":"0","array":["0"]}

Please close if not allowed.

Peterkn2001 commented 4 years ago

Can you explain more? Are you running a Blynk or MQTT code on your micro controller? If you’re running Blynk code then are you using the same Auth code on your device as in Node-Red? What does your Node-Red flow and your device sketch look like? Maybe raising this as a topic on the Blynk community forum, along with the info requested above, would be the best approach.


iskoch01 commented 4 years ago

Are you running a Blynk or MQTT code on your micro controller?

Blynk. If you’re running Blynk code then are you using the same Auth code on your device as in Node-Red?

Yes. The message correctly toggles the button in the app, so it is getting through. What does your Node-Red flow and your device sketch look like? Maybe raising this as a topic on the Blynk community forum, along with the info requested above, would be the best approach.

I shall have to look at the debug output of the microcontroller when I have a chance.

iskoch01 commented 4 years ago

I boiled it down to a basic sketch and basic flow.

Here's what happens.

  1. If I tap the button in the app, Node-Red reports the value. The board reports the value.
  2. If I send the value in Node-Red, the app changes. The board does nothing. I have tried this with two different Node-Red servers. Am I doing something wrong?

Code (running on Wemos D1 Mini) (I'm not using a slider, but I just started with boilerplate code from the example library.)

  Download latest Blynk library here:

  Blynk is a platform with iOS and Android apps to control
  Arduino, Raspberry Pi and the likes over the Internet.
  You can easily build graphic interfaces for all your
  projects by simply dragging and dropping widgets.

    Downloads, docs, tutorials:
    Sketch generator: 
    Blynk community:  
    Follow us:        

  Blynk library is licensed under MIT license
  This example code is in public domain.


  This sketch shows how to read values from Virtual Pins

  App project setup:
    Slider widget (0...100) on Virtual Pin V1

/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>

// You should get Auth Token in the Blynk App.
// Go to the Project Settings (nut icon).
char auth[] = "M...t";

// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "...";
char pass[] = "...";

// This function will be called every time Slider Widget
// in Blynk app writes values to the Virtual Pin V1
  Serial.println("Blynk Write V1");
  int pinValue = param.asInt(); // assigning incoming value from pin V1 to a variable
  // process received value

void setup()
  Serial.println("I'm a machine!");
  // Debug console

  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  // You can also specify server:
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 80);
  //Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, IPAddress(192,168,1,100), 8080);
  Serial.println("Setup finished.");

void loop()


        "id": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "type": "tab",
        "label": "Blynk Test",
        "disabled": false,
        "info": ""
        "id": "ec174547.a1436",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "name": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "1",
        "payloadType": "str",
        "repeat": "",
        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": 0.1,
        "x": 110,
        "y": 120,
        "wires": [
        "id": "6f5f2860.a8041",
        "type": "inject",
        "z": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "name": "",
        "topic": "",
        "payload": "0",
        "payloadType": "str",
        "repeat": "",
        "crontab": "",
        "once": false,
        "onceDelay": 0.1,
        "x": 110,
        "y": 160,
        "wires": [
        "id": "9f176979.26d2c8",
        "type": "blynk-ws-out-write",
        "z": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "name": "Sump Pump - Northeast - V1",
        "pin": "1",
        "pinmode": 0,
        "client": "18828803.811b1",
        "x": 360,
        "y": 160,
        "wires": []
        "id": "932d23a1.e5f3f",
        "type": "blynk-ws-in-write",
        "z": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "name": "",
        "pin": "1",
        "pin_all": 0,
        "client": "18828803.811b1",
        "x": 310,
        "y": 100,
        "wires": [
        "id": "393f84f9.480164",
        "type": "debug",
        "z": "591c3a35.6ec74c",
        "name": "",
        "active": true,
        "tosidebar": true,
        "console": false,
        "tostatus": false,
        "complete": "false",
        "x": 480,
        "y": 100,
        "wires": []
        "id": "18828803.811b1",
        "type": "blynk-ws-client",
        "z": "",
        "name": "Sump Pump - Northeast",
        "path": "ws://",
        "key": "M...t",
        "dbg_all": false,
        "dbg_read": false,
        "dbg_write": true,
        "dbg_notify": false,
        "dbg_mail": false,
        "dbg_prop": false,
        "dbg_sync": false,
        "dbg_bridge": false,
        "dbg_low": false,
        "dbg_pins": "",
        "multi_cmd": false,
        "proxy_type": "no",
        "proxy_url": "",
        "enabled": true
iskoch01 commented 4 years ago

Pete, I don't feel that Blynk forums can help because I am able to control the device with the Blynk app.

Can anyone post a link to a sample flow to make sure my flow is not wrong?


Peterkn2001 commented 4 years ago

I've answered this issue on the Blynk forum:

@gablau I think this issue can be closed.


iskoch01 commented 4 years ago

Pete's correct. I was confused by the behavior of a competing library. The bridge node works as expected, although you must toggle "Bridge" log under the configuration node, else you get "NOT_ALLOWED" errors.