We're attempting to mock HTTP responses requested from within a Python thread pool. Is that supported? The following example suggest it does not work, unfortunately:
import concurrent.futures
import httpretty as _httpretty
import pytest
import requests
def httpretty():
_httpretty.enable(verbose=True, allow_net_connect=False)
yield _httpretty
def mock_response(httpretty):
def request_callback(request, uri, response_headers):
return 200, response_headers, request.body # Pass through the requested body
httpretty.register_uri(method="POST", uri="https://my-server.com/", body=request_callback)
def example_payloads():
return [0, 1, 3]
def post(payload):
r = requests.post("https://my-server.com/", json=payload)
return r.json()
def test_simple_map_passes(mock_response, example_payloads):
results = map(post, example_payloads)
assert list(results) == example_payloads
def test_threadpool_map_fails(mock_response, example_payloads):
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
results = executor.map(post, example_payloads)
# Responses appear to be randomly drawn (with duplicates) from the expected list
assert list(results) == example_payloads
Interestingly, occasionally, the response body appears to be the full string like this:
We're attempting to mock HTTP responses requested from within a Python thread pool. Is that supported? The following example suggest it does not work, unfortunately:
Interestingly, occasionally, the response body appears to be the full string like this:
which is really not expected at all since it should just contain the JSON data, e.g.
.I believe this works with Python 3.8 and 3.9, but fails from Python 3.10 onwards.