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Console manager is leaving consoles locked #362

Open Jimbo4794 opened 4 years ago

Jimbo4794 commented 4 years ago

I believe the console manager isnt releasing some sort of lock on consoles in use. In a job i am using mulitple commands, wihtout passing the console name, so it is defaulting to the user "GALASA".

Intermittently it will fail on doing multiple calls, with error coming back with: Unable to issue command to MVLA
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dev.galasa.framework.GenericMethodWrapper.invoke(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestMethodWrapper.invoke(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestClassWrapper.runTestMethods(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner.runTestClassWrapper(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner.runEnvironment(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner.createEnvironment(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner.generateEnvironment(
    at dev.galasa.framework.TestRunner.runTest(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at dev.galasa.boot.felix.FelixFramework.runTest(
    at dev.galasa.boot.Launcher.launch(
    at dev.galasa.boot.Launcher.main(
Caused by: dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException: Console command "SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=CICSBETA.BETA.CICS.SEYUAUTH,SMS" failed. Reason "Error happened in TSO/E address space, error description: IZUG899E: The request could not be completed because an error occurred. Error: \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: The backend application GALASA could not be started. An error was received: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not register backend application. The specified key GALASA is already in use by TSO address space entry GALASA-189-aacmaaab..\" "
    at dev.galasa.zosconsole.zosmf.manager.internal.ZosConsoleCommandImpl.issueCommand(
    at dev.galasa.zosconsole.zosmf.manager.internal.ZosConsoleImpl.issueCommand(
    at dev.galasa.zosconsole.zosmf.manager.internal.ZosConsoleImpl.issueCommand(

There is a few runs still in the RAS on our galasa-prod if you want to see full runs:

  1. J411
  2. J403
  3. J379
Jimbo4794 commented 4 years ago

So not actually sure what is causing this but not 100% it is the actual galasa manager now. Just implemented a work around to use a different console name between commands and im still getting similar errors:

Caused by: dev.galasa.zosconsole.ZosConsoleException: Console command "SETPROG APF,ADD,DSN=CICSBETA.BETA.CICS.SDFHLIC,SMS" failed. Reason "Error happened in TSO/E address space, error description: IZUG899E: The request could not be completed because an error occurred. Error: \"java.lang.IllegalStateException: The backend application GALASA66 could not be started. An error was received: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Input message type 4 cannot be assigned because it is currently in use..\" "

Going to dig a little further

Jimbo4794 commented 4 years ago

Can confirm that the console GALASA66 from my comment was not used by any other component of the test